𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨, 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔

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I hadn't touched the plate in front of me since Ellis had left, which was about five minutes ago.

I kept giving Tobias side glances, but he never noticed them. While the two guys across the table, Brandon and Cody were being assholes and muttering shit about him. My anger pulsing throughout my entire body.

My entire life I've always felt like I was in a glass tank full of water. No matter how much I would hit the glass no one would hear or notice me.
But then Ellis and Tobias came along, they made me forget I was drowning in my own weakness and lack of confidence. But either way, I'm still drowning.

Recently it's like there's cracks showing on the tank and they've only gotten bigger. It's only a matter of time until I hit the glass and it breaks.

"You haven't touched your food Eli." Brandon teased as he ran a hand through his golden locks.

"Don't call me that." I demand, as I feel the crack growing more as I mentally hit against the glass.

"Eli why are you so mad-"

"He said don't call him that." Tobias growls as he sends daggers at Brandon, and the blonde sends them back.

Hypothetically if the two would get into a fight Tobias would win. Tobias is muscles, and Brandon is just a tall twig in comparison. Since Brandon is at least 6'5, and Tobias is 6'3.

"Say? Why are you getting so pressed about me calling him a nickname?" Brandon cocked his eyesbrow.
Tobias stayed silent, still sending him a deadly glare.

"God, you and Ellis are so protective of this fucking cunt."

"It's not being protective, it's being a good human being." I chimed in, annoyance obnoxiously hinted in my tone.


"As if Tobias is a good person. Not even 5 months ago he was beating the shit out of you."

I watched Tobias's expression change, guilt taking hold of his eyes.

"At least he's trying to change, unlike you."


"Are you trying to pick a fight Elijah? Because I am not beyond kicking your ass right now." He said with an annoyed laugh as he stood up from his chair.

"If you lay a fucking finger on him, I fucking swear." Tobias pushed up from his chair, nearly pouncing over the table.

"You really are protective over him." Brandon took his attention off me and put it towards Tobias. "I bet you couldn't kick my ass if you wanted too. You've gotten soft. Soon enough you'll be like Elijah over there, weak and pathetic."

Just like that Tobias had grabbed Brandon's shirt and yanked him over the table. Everyone had quickly gathered around the two as the fought. At first it looked like Brandon was winning because he landed a few good hits in, but Tobias tackled him to the floor and kept slamming his fist into Brandon's face, causing his nose to bleed immediately and bruises started to form.

I didn't know if Brandon calling me pathetic and weak caused Tobias to pounce on him, or if it was Brandon calling Tobias weak and pathetic that caused him to pounce, but either way Brandon was getting his ass whooped.

After a while I knew that it was too much and that Tobias wasn't going to stop until Brandon was unconscious. So I quickly grabbed Tobias and pulled him off Brandon, who's face was bloodied and bruised as he laid on the floor in agony.

Tobias attempted to shove me away but he turned around and saw that it was me and hugged me, tightly. And I stiffened. Scared that the people that was around would get suspicious of us.

"Tobias, people are gonna know." I whispered in his ear, not hugging back.

"I don't give a shit anymore. Just fucking hug me." He muttered in my shoulder, and I obeyed, as my arms wrapped around his body.


"I love you so much." He muttered in my shoulder, only loud for me to hear.
We stayed like that for at least five minutes, and soon voices started to creep their way in my ear.

"Are they dating?"

"They're definitely together."

"Ew, they're so gross."

But were quickly hushed by Tobias pulling away and glaring at them.

I looked down at his hands and saw the blood from Brandon dripping.
"You need to wash your hands. the"
He looked at his bloody hands, which seemed to surprise him a little.

I quickly rushed the both of us off to the bathroom.

"I think I over did it." He said with a small laugh, trying to lighten up the mood. "You think?" I said before opening the door to the bathroom,  to see Tyler on the floor holding his groin.

"What the hell happened to you?" I crossed my arms, not happy to see him at all.


He sounded nervous, very nervous.
He's a very bad liar. Worse than Ellis.
"Does it have to do with Ellis? Did you do something to him?" I asked as my brow raised.

"Nothing happened between us."

"Stop lying. You're terrible at it." I demand as I take another step towards him. He manages to get up off, still holding his groin in pain.

"I just beat the shit out of Brandon, I have no problem doing the same to you." Tobias attempted to step forward but I put my arm in the way, stopping him.

"What the fuck happened, or I swear I'll beat the shit out of you myself."


I clenched my fist. I know something happened, something he is to scared to admit. And that's already a bad sign.

He sighed in defeat before telling us what happened. How he confessed his feelings towards Ellis, and how Ellis turned him down. He quickly paused as he took one step back before continuing. He started to explain what he did to Ellis, and I felt my fist subconsciously squeeze tighter. I shit my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

Upon opening my eyes, I was no longer in a bathroom. Rather I was in a tank full of water. Nothing but pitch black in the outside of this tank.

Cracks had crawled up this tank, signalling that this tank was about to break anytime soon. I bang on it but it doesn't break.

After a matter of seconds I hear many voices.

"Weak and pathetic."



I remember when I used to hear those words I would cry or just believe them. Now they don't affect my anymore because two people have told me over and over how great I am.




One thing I've learned from Ellis and Tobias is that fighting isn't the only thing that makes a person strong.

I let go all the breath I had held in my lungs and slam my fist into the glass and it breaks.

My fist was met with someone as I opened my eyes, which was Tyler's, causing him to fall to the floor.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝙢𝙚 - 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐋 Where stories live. Discover now