Chapter 5: Intrigued and Enamored

Start from the beginning

Lena's heart stuttered in her chest, a cold sweat breaking out on her palms. She'd known, intellectually, what Rafe was, what his kind were capable of. But seeing it up close, being surrounded by the raw, primal energy of the was overwhelming, like standing on the edge of a cliff and feeling the vertigo tug at your heels.

Rafe must have sensed her unease, because he placed a steadying hand on the small of her back, his touch searing through the thin fabric of her shirt. "Easy," he murmured, his breath hot against her ear. "They won't hurt you. Not as long as you're with me."

Lena swallowed hard, trying to quell the flutter of nerves in her stomach. She could feel the weight of the pack's stares, the assessing glances and low, rumbling growls that followed her as Rafe led her deeper into their midst.

At the far end of the warehouse, a small group of wolves sat clustered around a battered table, playing cards and drinking from unlabeled bottles. They looked up as Rafe approached, their eyes narrowing with a mix of wariness and respect.

"Well, well, well," one of them drawled, his voice a low, gravelly rasp. "Look what the cat dragged in. Or should I say, the wolf?"

The others chuckled, a rough, mirthless sound that made the hairs on the back of Lena's neck stand up. Rafe, however, seemed unfazed, his posture relaxed and confident as he faced the speaker.

"Marcus," he said, inclining his head in a slight nod. "I see you're still holding court with the dregs of the pack."

Marcus's eyes flashed with anger, his lips pulling back to reveal sharp, gleaming fangs. "Watch your tongue, pup," he snarled, rising to his feet in a sudden, fluid motion. "Or I'll rip it out and feed it to you."

Rafe's answering smile was sharp and dangerous, his own fangs glinting in the dim light. "I'd like to see you try, old man."

For a moment, the two wolves stared each other down, the air between them crackling with tension. Lena held her breath, her heart pounding in her throat as she waited for the inevitable explosion of violence.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the moment passed. Marcus threw back his head and laughed, a rough, barking sound that echoed off the warehouse walls. "Ah, Rafe," he said, shaking his head. "You always were a cocky little bastard. But I like that about you."

He turned his gaze to Lena, his eyes raking over her with a predatory intensity that made her skin crawl. "And who's this tasty little morsel you've brought with you? A new plaything, perhaps?"

Rafe's growl was low and warning, his hand tightening on Lena's waist. "Watch yourself, Marcus," he said, his voice deadly calm. "Lena is under my protection. Anyone who lays a hand on her will answer to me."

Marcus held up his hands in a mocking gesture of surrender, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement. "Touchy, touchy," he said. "No need to get your tail in a twist, Rafe. I was just being friendly."

Rafe snorted, his lip curling in disgust. "You wouldn't know friendly if it bit you on the ass, Marcus." He turned to Lena, his expression softening slightly. "Come on, let's get out of here. I have someone I want you to meet."

Lena nodded, relief flooding through her as Rafe led her away from the leering gazes and mocking laughter of the other wolves. She could feel their eyes on her back, boring into her like hot coals, but she refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her fear.

Rafe led her to a small door at the back of the warehouse, hidden behind a stack of crates. He rapped on it twice, a sharp, staccato beat that seemed to echo in the stillness.

For a moment, there was no response. Then, with a soft click, the door swung open, revealing a narrow, dimly lit hallway beyond.

Rafe gestured for Lena to go first, his hand resting lightly on her lower back as he followed her into the shadows. The door swung shut behind them, cutting off the noise and chaos of the main room and leaving them in a cocoon of silence.

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