Yuki then went to find Ranmaru and Masato to see that they were both just chatting and they were done. So she just took her pencil and did her part without talking with the males for a bit. Once she was done she gave the papers back to Ranmaru and Masato who looked over what she wrote. Ranmaru then looked at Yuki. "Damn you are good at this, we really underestimated you kid."

"I know that. But thank you senpai. I'm going to see how Kiryun and the brat are doing." Yuki said before she went to find the other group only to see that they were talking to one another as well. 

The space where she had to write was already written so she erased it not liking what was written and she wrote what she wanted to write for it instead, when Kana saw what she did she instantly tackled Yuki over only to get thrown and kicked off of her as well as pinned to the floor by Yuki's feathers. 


The males from the other rooms came rushing when they heard Yuki yelling so angered

"Yuki what happened why is your mouth bleeding?" Tokiya asked concerned

"That brat chose to pounce on me when I erased her shit work for the chorus when I specifically said that I was going to write for it. She saw what I was doing and punched me in the face. So I did that." yuki said as she wiped the blood coming from her face

Van shook his head. "I warned her not to do it but she didn't listen to me." Van said with his hands up

"I believe you, she has it against me. Is there anyway for me to get that bitch from working with us?" Yuki asked Kira

"I don't know, Raging stated we were working with you and that included her. So probably not." Kira said shaking his head

She groaned out and face palmed herself. "Well I'm not letting her go until I'm done writing. And Santos you struggle at all and you will rip your clothes off of your pathetic body."

Yuki went back to writing only to fall to the side as blood spewed out of her mouth, Van caught her quickly as her feathers fell from around Kana. When she got up she scoffed. "Weak bitch, can't even handle a little medicine."

The males looked at Kana shocked. "What did you do to her Kana?" Kira asked her

"I merely slipped a small pill I was given by Raging to kill her quirk."

Kira couldn't believe what he had heard from her, so he took the pin she had given him off of his shirt and dropped it at her feet. "I'm not going to with someone who has murdered a poor teenage child. We're through Kana."

Kira then left not wanting to have anymore issues. Tokiya had left to call someone to help Yuki, while Ranmaru and Masato went to tell Shinning what had happened as Ren and Van stayed to see what Kana would do, only to see that her golden eyes widened in shock and horror. 

"K-Kira...K...Kira why?" Kana said weakly as she teared up "I...I was just doing as I told..."

"So raging told you to beat the hell out of a teenager and kill her? You realize that Yuki's quirk is a part of her. For her to lose her quirk is for her to lose her life." Ren stated calmly with his arms crossed

Kana's eyes widened hearing what Ren said. "W-What?! N-No...T-That c-can't be right! I was told by Raging that it would just make her not have her quirk! Not kill her! I...I trusted that he knew what he was saying! I...I never wanted to kill her!" Kana said shaking her head "I...I don't want to be known as a murder!"

"I called the police and an ambulance. You're lucky that her half brother isn't even in Japan right now, from what I was told by Yuki. Her brother is in a different country right now." Tokiya said seriously

Kana broke down crying "I...I never wanted to kill her! Sure she's annoying as fuck! But I just wanted her to stop using her damn quirk all the damn time!"

"She doesn't use it all the time only when she feels threatened-which you've made her feel since you were a cunt and forced her to leave two weeks ago." Ranmaru said with a scoff

Kana fell to the ground in tears. "I didn't want this! I never wanted this!"

It wasn't long before the police came to get Kana and the EMT's went to get Yuki out of Van's arms. At that time Shinning came out and looked at the males who were there. "Until miss Asaya is confirmed to be dead or not, I'm placing a hold on the project for now. This is an unseen mishap that will need to be spoken about to Santos and with Raging, to see how things will go thus forth."

The males nodded their heads and Van left out to find where Kira went off to as Tokiya began to feel concerned about Yuki. Ren went up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Did you want to go to the hospital to see how she's doing?"

"Yeah...I do."

"Then let's go, I can only imagine how worried you are of her. You just got with her yesterday and already you're about to lose her over something stupid."

Tokiya nodded his head and the two of them left out to see how Yuki was doing. When they did they saw Hawks flying by, when he saw the two males coming out of the dorms he landed by them and spoke up. "Yo, have you two seen my baby sis?"

Ren and Tokiya looked at one another before Tokya frowned as he spoke up. "She was just emitted into the hospital, a female idol had fed her a medication that had made her spew out blood and go unconscious. We're about to go see her now."

Hawk's golden eyes widened shocked "Oh fuck...don't tell me it was a small red pill!"

"We don't know what it was that was forced into your sisters mouth Hawks, what we do know is that the person who did it didn't know that they were going to kill your sister."

"Shit-shit-shit! Thank you! I'll see you at the hospital I'll explain what's going on with that pill when you get to the hospital, I know the closets one so I'll fly there now." Hawks said before he flew off

Ren and Tokiya went to Ren's car and Ren drove them to the hospital and parked before the two of them went in to see Hawks talking with a doctor and handing the doctor a tin. Once Hawks saw the duo he went up to them. "Yuki will be fine kiddos. But whoever gave whomever forced it down Yuki's throat got it from a black market that's been spreading to completely kill out those that have quirks. It's worse than the bullets that were made that completely erased quirks, the pills not just kill the quirk but kill the person inside out if they aren't given the antidote that was found to dispel the anti-quirk pill."

"The person who gave it to the female who forced it down Yuki's throat was a rival company's CEO. His name is Raging." Ren stated

"Then that's where I'm going next, Yuki will be alright. Give it about a half hour and you'll see my sis again." Hawks said with a smile before he left out

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now