Book Four-1

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When Ren came back with Haruka, Haruka saw that Yuki was back and rushed up to her to hug her tightly. "I'm so glad you came back! I heard that you had been kicked out by that horrible woman Santos!"

Yuki was more than stunned hearing what she had from the strawberry blond female. "Y-You missed me?" She asked confused

"Of course I did! You are a very talented woman." Haruka said with a smile "Jinguji said that you had questions about the song I wrote?"

"Yes, I do." Yuki said before she pointed with her pencil's eraser the first two staff bars on the paper. "What the heck is this?"

Haruka looked at the paper before she gasped out. "Oh dear! I think I mixed up this song for a song I was writing for one of the other projects you'll be doing!"

"I thought so."

"I can fix this give me a moment!" Haruka said before she took the papers and she rushed off quickly

"Well that was interesting, I didn't expect her to hug you like that." Ren said amused

"Yeah...neither did I. The fact that she said she missed me...that's what boggles my mind. She hated me for months now all of a sudden that stops?"

"Well she did apologize to you after finding out from Jiro and Kamanari just what was going on with you and the relationship issues you had with monoma." Tokiya stated with a sad smile

Yuki turned her head to look at Tokiya, "True but I didn't think she was serious about it...guess I should take her words a bit more heavily now."

"Guess so." Tokiya said with a nod of his head

Haruka soon came back with a folder of music sheets which made Yuki stand up. "Just how much work is Shinning giving you?!"

"Well since after you left out Jiro and Kamanari left out-I was given a lot." Haruka said weakly

She let out a sigh and she helped Haruka out with the papers that fell to the ground before she gave them to her. "If you need help at all I can do what I can to help you Haruka, I insist on helping where I can alright?"

"Sure, I could use the help. I actually don't know where the papers that I had written for the amusement park is within these papers." Haruka spoke honestly

"Alright then, let's sort them out and see if we can find them together."

Haruka nodded her head and the two of them sat down on the couch together to sort through the papers. It was a bit before Yuki was the one that found them. "I got them Haruka. Do you mind playing it for us please?" Yuki asked Haruka giving her the papers

Haruka smiled and nodded her head. "Sure I'd love to!"

Haruka went to the piano and placed the papers down before she began to play the music piece. Yuki shut her eyes and just listened to the music as she envisioned the ride with every few notes that Haruka played. Once Haruka finished Yuki smiled and opened her eyes. "That sounded great Haruka, thank you for writing it for us."

"Of course, anything else?"

"Nope, but you should probably organize your papers and mark them for the projects."

"R-Right...I probably should. I'll get right to that." Haruka said with a small smile

Yuki then got up and she gave the two papers to the two males. "I will do the same for this song as I will for the first two songs. If that's okay?"

Both males nodded their heads "Of course." Ren said with a smile

"I can work with that." Kira spoke getting up 

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz