Chapter 2.

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Journey POV.
its 1989 I hope to get my Hogwarts letter soon. I was reading in the library in the Malfoy house. where I live. I never knew my parents. they died. or that is what I'm told. I love my sister and brother in law and my only nephew. but I just wish I know I'm only 11. I wish to find a love and have a family. I just hope its from our would. now don't get me wrong I don't mind non magic people but I'm a Black. I'm the last child of the great family of Black. I don't want to die like Regulus my cousin. or be disowned like my older sister Andromeda. Bella don't like me to ask questions about her. all I know she got married and have a daughter who is in Hogwarts. I would love to go. Lucius walk in and said"Journey come Draco and I are going to dragon ally. would you like to come." I smile and nod. we get there I smile as Draco said"father can we get ice cream." I look up at Lucius  he just nod and gave me the money and we went to the shop and get some. then after Draco was talking about some thing I have no idea what. I was bumped in to. I fell on the side walk. I heard some one said"I'm so sorry here let me help you." she did then I saw her hair change colors. I said"its okay um I'm Journey and this is Draco." then I saw he wasn't here. I said"they gonna kill me." she said"first I know you are my aunt. but this is from my mum. she knew you was going to be here I'm well just call me Dora." I smile and said"please tell Andromeda to write me if she wanted to. oh there is Lucius see you later." she wink at me then she left. I was walking to my brother in law when he said"I'm sorry Journey Draco didn't know you wasn't there." I nod. I read the happy birthday card. as they were going to their valid. "dear sweet little sister. I'm not sure if you know who I am but I'm Andromeda Black well was I'm married. but I would love to see you when you in school just hang out in the bathroom around 2 I'll see you then. I just hope you want to see me. love you baby sis." I smile and then we was back home and I fell asleep on the couch reading.

Monday morning.
I wake up in my bed Lucius must have got Dobby to put me in bed. anyway I get up get dressed and went to breakfast I smile as I see my oldest sister Bella. she said"well who is the redhead. no is that Journey." I smile as she went on and on about stuff but hour later I was in school. I see a redhead Boy well twins. I was looking at them but as soon one looks my way I look down. then I was doing my work when some one said"oh Hello. Ms Black." I look up to see an eif. I look around only to see the twins and another girl looking at me. I said"yes." eif told me to meet her in bathroom and I did. I walk in to see some one who almost look like Bella. she smile and said"Journey you have grown up so much. I'm Andromeda your second older sister. unless you too disown me." I said"I could never. I am so happy to meet you finally." she said"I can only chat for a short while but I will start writing you when you go to Hogwarts and don't be afraid to be your beautiful self. my daughter well help as much as she can. oh yea here." I look to see a letter from Hogwarts. I smile and said"thank you so much. hope to see you again soon." she smile and kiss my forehead then she was gone. I get back to class to see the twins and another girl looking at me like they know. but I don't pay attention to them I go back to my work.
I get home to see Narcissa smiling and said"I'm so proud baby sis." I smile as I open the letter I'm going to Hogwarts I'm so excited but sacred. I don't want to be in Slytherin like my family but if I don't then I'm going to get it. I was eating with the family when Narcissa said"Journey got her Hogwarts letter today." Draco said"I want to go. when will I get to go." Lucius said"when you are 11 son. Journey when would you like to go get your things." Narcissa said"Dear can I take her. I will be careful." Lucius nod. I smile and said"we could go tomorrow after school." Lucius laugh and said"Dear sister you will not go back to that place tomorrow will be fine." Draco said"maybe you would make friends at Hogwarts." I look down then I ask to leave Narcissa nod and gave me a smile. I went to the kitchen to fix some ice cream but Dobby show up and already knew. then I could hear Lucius getting on Draco for making me sad. then I hear Narcissa talk about the trip and maybe going tomorrow will be good for me. it won't be. my nephew was right I'm just the lonely red hair girl with no friends. I was eating the ice cream thinking about how I hope Hogwarts will be different. Draco said"I'm sorry Journey. I shouldn't have said it I hope you can forgive me Dear Aunt." I nod not looking at him. he said"I hope you nothing but the best luck in Hogwarts and I hope you will show me the ropes when I come." I laugh and said"who knows I might be still learning the ropes when you come." Draco said"well we can help each other." I nod and went to bed. but I fell asleep thinking about the redhead Boy who is a twin.

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