The End of an Era

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                                                                            The day I lost my sister

                      < 15 or so years ago >

"wow, Lor how much have you eaten in the past 3 weeks?"

"I don't know, why would you ask me that?"

"well, we've been trying to shove you into this dress for the past 20 minutes, and either the maid put it in the dryer or we measured a doll instead of you. Lor this dress will never fit you. "

"UGH moms gonna kill me!!!"

     I've been helping my sister put on her dress for the debutante ball, unfortunately I'm too young to go, so instead I have to just live through my sister. But I think she'd much rather be in my position right now. 

    We are complete opposites, but we somehow get along really well. She has taught me everything a girl needs to know, the opposite of what my own mother teaches me. Whenever I'm with Lor I feel like an actual kid, instead of the prim lady I have to be in front of my parents and the rest of the world. She's my rock, and I don't know what I would ever do with out her. 

As I was about to break the zipper, a crazy thought dawned on me. 

            "Hey Lor?"    It cant be, right?

"what Nina" Lorelei sighed, obviously annoyed with how much I was talking

          "Have you and Christopher, you know, umm done the thing you told me about?" I asked

"umm maybe, why?"  she answered nonchalantly

        "Could you possibly maybe be, you know..."

"oh my god... am I? no I cant? Right? Stuff like this isn't normal, theres no way! Nina you cant just ask people stuff like that! ughh you are so annoying, can you just get out?!" 

        " woah woah woah, DO NOT start blaming me! Your'e the one who MAYBE did the S word, not me! Don't start blaming me for your stupid mistakes!!!"

I ran right out of the room, heading straight for my mother. The only thing I am better than Lorelei is at only 10 years old, is tattle tailing, or better known as revenge. This may just be the cherry on top for me being the one not in the spotlight. I HATED the fact that Lor was getting to debute and not me! We all know Im much more qualified than she is, and I actually like being the princess, unlike her, who would much rather be at a scrumy dirty diner in some random town. 

       "hey mommmmm" I exclaimed happily to my mother

"what honey, I'm too busy setting up this photoshoot for your sister, my god, what is taking her this long, LORELEI!" she yelled

       "umm you know what, I think she was asking for your help. Something about her dress not fitting..."

"WHAT? Oh dear lord, kill me now. WHAT LORELEI?" She hurried up the stairs

         I plopped on the couch, ready to see this poopshow unfold. 

Little did I know that this would be the end of my relationship with my only sister... 

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