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I stepped out of the Stray Kids dorm building out into the cold air and made my way to the JYPE building where everyone was meeting for the conference that Woojin hyung requested. I rubbed my shoulders. I was a bit scared because he had started to act a little weird around us and would just start hugging us and being touchy at the most random times. For example, Hyunjin was running around the company, looking for an available bathroom, but Woojin hyung was clinging to him like crazy. I held in my laughter as I recalled what happened next.

Hyunjin being Hyunjin had started causing a scene, and rushed to the bathroom at the last second while Woojin hyung was laying down on the floor, practically scarred. I don't think he hugged Hyunjin again for like a whole entire week. I bit my lip as I tried my hardest not to burst into laughter from that scene. Smiling, I entered the meeting room, and saw everyone already seated. I glanced at the clock and sighed in relief. The meeting had just started, so I wasn't late. I took a seat beside Minho, who gave me a respectful nod before turning to JYPdnim.

Pdnim smiled and turned to Woojin hyung. "So, this meeting was called by Woojin, so I'm going to turn it over to him without wasting any time," he said as all eyes turned to Woojin hyung, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. He stood up automatically. "I...uh," he swallowed and I could see swear droplets making their way down his face.


I swallowed hard. I didn't expect Pdnim to just hand it over to me. I stood up and gulped. I could feel myself sweating. "I...uh," I cleared my throat. Get it together, Woojin. I sighed and smiled sadly. "First of all, I wanted to thank everyone here for everything they've done for me," I spoke, scanning each and every one of the members, who stared back at me with curious eyes. I grinned. "Chan, you helped me stay organized and relaxed in myself, and you work hard for us. I know you have a massive burden on your shoulders, and I really do wish that I could've helped you through that," I patted his shoulder.

"Minho, you were very good to me, and to everyone. You were like our main cook, and the guy everyone went to if they wanted to vent and just, not be serious," I laughed nostalgically, smiling as I saw him slowly grin. "Changbin-ah, I really appreciate you forcing me to go to the gym, and letting me make fun of you," I chuckled and he folded his arms, but smiled anyway. "Hyunjinnie, you are so good-looking and one of the most dramatic people I ever met. Promise me you'll do a K-drama or something?" I held out my hand. He chuckled and grabbed it. "I promise." He smiled.

I turned to the younger members. "Yah, Hannie," He looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Thank you for making me laugh and sharing your food all those times," I nodded at him. He nodded back. "Yongbok-ah, just keep being the sunshine, okay? We need someone to keep us going," I said, and he smiled. "Kim Seungmin, calm down a little, yeah?" I laughed. He rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "And lastly, Jeongin," I sighed and looked at him. "You're our youngest member, and just...remember your worth. Thank you for putting me as one of your favourite hyungs, I really appreciate it," I gave him a toothy grin and he smiled back.

I turned to pdnim. "JYPdnim, thank you so much for this opportunity to be with this wonderful group," I nodded at him and he nodded at me. I sighed. "I have terminated my contract and leaving the group in a couple weeks," I said. Their jaws slacked and pdnim just stared at them sadly. He already knew as I had already shortened my contract to two weeks so that I could properly move out. I saw tears fall down the cheeks of most members, the only one not crying being Minho, but he was glaring at me, his arm around Chan, who was trying not to sob.

I looked away from them. "I'm sorry. I just, don't feel myself growing anymore. I feel like I'm limited in this group because 3racha usually writes our songs," I reasoned. Minho pulled his arm off of Chan, and glared at me harshly. "Well, then. I hope you have fun, without us to support you," he growled. "Hope you break through the sky and reach the stars one day," he sang sarcastically before walking out the room. I stared after him, surprised. But what shocked me the most was when Chan stood up and walked after him without saying a word to me. I stared at him, my heart feeling empty. Was this the right decision? I shook my head. I can't think about that now, when I already terminated my contract. I hugged the remaining members one by one. At least they were here to support me.


I walked out on him. I knew I shouldn't have, he looked pretty upset, but I had to. I was angry and hurt. I get it, that he felt he couldn't grow, but was leaving us really necessary? Didn't we bring him happiness? Couldn't he find his growth in us? Was it because we were younger? I could find at least a thousand qualities that he could've grown in the group, and could've learnt from our members.

Like Chan hyung's producing is top-notch, my dancing is pretty good, Han and Changbin's rapping is amazing, Hyunjin and Felix's stage presence is killer, and Seungmin and I.N's vocals are the definition of angelic. I ruffled my already messy hair. Why did he have to do this? A hand tapped my shoulder and I turned around, ready to scream, but my words caught in my throat as I faced the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I swallowed hard. It was her. It was Jisu. Choi Jisu. Lia. Debut girl.

I straightened and fixed my crinkled shirt. She put on a concerned face and tilted her head cutely to the side. "Are you alright?" She whispered. My face contorted into an emotion that seemed to be a mix of frustration and sadness. She grabbed the back of my neck with both hands and hugged me. I melted a little as she soothed me with her sweet voice. A singular tear made it's way down my face and onto Lia's jacket. She gasped a little and squeezed me tighter. I felt so safe in her arms. Like, I could literally sleep then and there. I gripped onto her jacket a bit more.


I felt him adjust his hands on my back. I felt myself hide a smile. Here he was, Lee Minho, the man of my dreams, hugging me. I felt him bury his head into my shoulder and I patted his back, whispering in his ear that it was going to be okay. A few minutes later, he pulled away, and I stood there awkwardly, a little disappointed. He shakily held out his hand, I took it and he led me outside to the steps where we first conversed that night. He said nothing and sat down on the steps. I did too. He faced me with a slight smile, though I could still see the trail of the one tear that had managed to escape his eye.

"So, you're finally debuting, huh?" He smiled warmly at me. I smiled in awe as I recalled our conversation two years ago. "You remember?" I asked softly. He chuckled in disbelief. "Remember? I can't stop replaying that moment in my head," he grabbed my hand, and I looked at him, surprised as his eyes softened. "I really couldn't, Lia. I looked for you for these past two years, but I couldn't  find you," he explained. I swallowed and bit my lip. I knew what was going to happen next.

"Will you please go out with me?"


"Will you please go out with me?"

I asked desperately. I needed her in my life, and these past two years made me realize that we couldn't just be friends. I squeezed her hand. "Please, just one date," I pleaded. "Give me a chance," I said. She sighed and smiled before standing up. "Fine. Where and when?" She grinned. I smiled widely. This was going to be amazing, and I knew exactly what to do.


I exited the room in tears as I looked for Minho so that we could talk. I looked around, and did a double take. Sur enough, he was caught in a heartwarming embrace with a girl, whom, I guessed by the glossy black hair, was Jisu. I grinned and followed them as Lee Know led her to the steps and asked her out. I chewed on my lip, waiting for her answer. She was blushing hard. I could see her ears and cheekbones turning red and I turned to see Minho, his eyes hopeful, staring at her, showing no sign of shyness. I think he's had enough of the waiting.

She bit her lip as he awaited her answer. I held my breath. Would she say yes? "Please, just one date. Give me a chance," I heard Lee Know say. My eyes widened. Wow. He's really hung up on her. She better say yes, because she would not find a guy better than him to date. At last, she let out a smile. "Fine. Where and when?" She asked him and I held in my "manly" squeals. Yes! She'd go out with him! But my eyes widened at what he said next...

"Maybe we could have it at my dorm..."

I slapped my forehead. This was going to be one of the most horribly terrifying events I have ever experienced in my life for sure.

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