#9 The spark that lights a blaze.

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Silence rang out the halls, small taps could be heard but otherwise it was nothing short but a tense atmosphere that glass could probably pierce in one slice. "Are you sure." The voice that spoke held a great deal of power, a woman's voice. She sat upon a throne as she tapped her fingers against her cheek. "Yes Your highness. My sources seem sure. We have found him." The woman stood up, her regal dress fell into graceful curls as she looked over, piercing blue eyes and elvish ears pointed out from her curly blond hair. "Bring him to me." She started to walk, a few servants followed after her... one was noticeable from their features, as it was a beast person... blue scales ran up their arms and a lizard tail flowed downwards behind them...


"where are we going Lio..." Alex whined as she followed up after Lio who was hiking up a mountain. "You will see~" He shouted back with a grin. Alex never seen him so excited and she could only put up with it as seeing that smile gave her a good feeling... it was better then seeing him half dead in a cave. she felt a little gloomy at that before she saw him jump up higher to a tree branch. She followed after him as he started to jump to tree to tree. "How on earth are you so good at thiiis~" She almost fell off a branch as she did and caught her self.

"I don't know what you mean by earth but I'm Elven. Tree's are like our best friends." Alex could only imagine him for a moment being a tree hugger before she saw Him jump and a literal tree branch moved slightly and caught Lio's foot and jumped again to another which did a similar reaction. She stared at him curiously as she had remembered the similar thing happening to her on the first day in this world... The bush and vines wrapping around her... the druids nature's blessing. She hopped after him and noticed the tree was doing a similar thing to her... but she didn't have that effect in her status window... She looked up and saw Lio grinning at her before jumping away.

"Lio! is it like the druids promise?" She asked curiously as he gave a laugh. "You could say that!" He grabbed ahold of the tree and slid down it and gave a short stretch while Alex hopped down from the tree and landed next to him. having to put her hand against the tree so she didn't fall over. "Here we are." He said staring ahead off a cliffside. Alex's eyes looked to him curiously before towards where he was watching and she could only look out in awe. A giant lake in this dipped down crevice of a forest. Like a Meteor had struck here and formed a glorious spot for a lake to form and close by, Alex's ears twitched as she could hear crashing water. A giant waterfall fell into the lake. "Woah..." She had gotten a great deal of Niagara fall vibes... Lio smiled brightly at her reaction as he grabbed her hand. "You haven't seen nothing yet. Come on." He pulled her along as there was a narrow path to follow down towards the lake, going straight to the water fall.

"The water is so clear. I have never seen anything like it." She saw fish that she had never seen before flowing through the lake, vibrant colors glistened from inside like it was a snow globe full of magic. Lio pointed towards a portion of the lake where blue crystals were forming underneath the water. "There is mana crystals underneath purifying the lake, that's why its so clear. and it's probably why the water fall doesn't submerge this entire area in water." He pointed to the edges of the cliff and she could note some heavy erosion, like it had been all the way up from where they came down.

"Thats amazing. Mana crystals never cease to amaze me." Lio grinned as she said that, as he started to walk towards the water fall. "well prepared to be amazed." He edged his way behind the water fall as Alex could only imagine what was behind it and she followed after him, Her tail swishing behind her excitedly in wonder. She edged her way past the waterfall, gently gliding her hand against the water and let the water glide past her hand before looking for where Lio went and noticed a cave. It was a little cliché but she wasn't gonna complain as she walked in and immediately noticed the brightly colored Mana crystals sparkling and glistening across the cave. Lio turned around and gave a smile as she looked on in amazement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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