Flowers, Tattoos, Me & You

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~Can you draw flowers on my skin? The ones that last forever?~

"Mornin' Felix!" Hyunjin smiled at his friend, who had strolled into the cafe they planned to meet at that morning. One right next door to the tattoo parler that Hyunjin owned. It was sweet June morning and Felix had moved to Seoul barely a month before so he could support Hyunjin at his tattoo parler. The Australian also needed a job and missed his best friend, so he had various other reasons to come. He used to work as a tattoo artist in Sydney but the place he worked for shut down and left the twenty-three year old out of a job.

"Hey, Hyunjin." The younger smiled, taking a seat beside him and dropping his over-the-shoulder bag onto the floor by him. They sat in the window on the high stools, watching the people as they walked on by immersed in their own lives.

"Damn, someone's grown their hair out?" Hyunjin commented on the freckled boy's long luscious hair that was half tied up to keep it from getting in his face. He had been growing it out over the months since the previous summer until it reached half way down his back, at least when he left it all hanging down. It was difficult to contain but Felix still adored it.

"Oh yeah! You haven't seen it this long yet, have you?" Felix smiled, adjusting his bangs subconsciously as they were on the topic of his hair.

"Nope, it looks incredible!" Hyunjin spoke, taking a sip from his iced americano. "Anyway, do you want me to get you a coffee?"

"Nah it's fine, I'll get it myself." Felix declined the older boy's offer and hopped down from his seat.

"No way you're still lying about drinking coffee to seem cool?" Hyunjin raised his eyebrows.

"What? What, no! I don't- what makes you think that?"

"The Felix I know would never refuse an offer like that! If it was anything else you would take the chance before the words even left my mouth!" Hyunjin laughed at the younger's failed attempt to defend himself.

Felix pouted and jokingly stomped over to get his own drink, that was not coffee. After he had bought it and sat back down, the duo caught up with eachother's lives. Starting with the obvious.

"Sooooo.... Any women, men, people of the inbetween in your life? Or are you gonna subject yourself to becoming a cat man?" Felix teased his friend, who had the most 'are you kidding me right now?' look on his face.

"Well, since you are so interested..." Hyunjin began, matching Felix's energy. "There is someone-"

"Oh my god!" Felix exclaimed as he basically jumped in his seat with excitement.

"BUT! It's nothing big, he's just a friend and I think he's got a girlfriend or someone anyhow." Hyunjin said with disapointment ridden in his tone.

"Well do you know if he's straight or not?" Felix asked, knowing he had a gaydar so strong that it never failed.

"No, he's never outright said anything."

"Aha! Okay, what's his name?" Felix sipped his mango energy drink, enjoying playing matchmaker very much.

"Seungmin, he works doing orders and logistic shit in a flower shop." Hyunjin said, a lightbulb suddenly going off in his head. You could almost see it. "Speaking of flowers..." Hyunjin looked at Felix with a knowing glimmer in his eyes, the freckled boy quickly picking up what Hyunjin was about to say. "They are the thing at my parler and as much as I love your style, most people come for flower tattoos. I need you to learn how to draw them, so can you like study it?"

"I mean I can try?" Felix said, rubbing his tattoo covered arm nervously. He knew how bad he was at drawing flowers and also knew that Hyunjin's business is flower centred. The damn place was literally called 'HJ's flora tattoo parlor', he had to pick up the skill soon. "There is a flower shop near my apartment building that caught my eye a couple times. Well the florist caught my eye but still..." Felix glared at a laughing Hyunjin. "It's called 'Bahng's flowers', ever heard of it?"

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