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A red head was sleeping with bandages that was trash of the counts family Cale Henituse the same trash that got beaten up by choi han and vanished from the country .

Cale wakes up in his beautiful room after choi han Beats him up to see his butler Alfred looking angry and concerned. Cale winces as he sits up, feeling the soreness from the beating . The young butler rushes to his side, offering him a glass of water and a cold compress for his bruises.

"Does it still hurt,young master?" the butler asks, his voice filled with worry.

The boy sighs and shakes his head, not wanting to think about choi han

"It's nothing, Alfred," he mutters, taking the glass of water and sipping it slowly. "Just a little accident, that's all."

Alfred looks unconvinced, but he nods and helps the boy to his feet. As Cale  slowly gets dressed.

Cale knew that he was not at
Henituse territory but at the vila in the forest of darkness it was in the centre of the forest where even choi
han never deared to enter as the most dengerous & strong monsters lived. But the monster didn't come near the vila because of the illusion magic and barrier preventing any thing from going forward to the vila

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