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Ella squeals as she scrolls through edits of her "husband" Tom kaulitz, if only she could go back into time and meet him. And Have a change with him. She sighed swiping out of her phone. I wish I could meet Tom kaulitz.. she whispered as she fell asleep
She blinks open her eyes feeling odd, her body felt weird, so did her bed. She looks around to realize, she wasnt in her bed.. or in her body. SHE WAS A CAT!?
Okay dude.. what the flip?!
She looked around realizing she was backstage of one of Tokyo hotels CONCERTS!? She tried to find a way out, but somehow stumbled her way on stage in front of Tom. Tom stopped the music just to pick up the small brown kitten in front of him, holding it up to the camera, "guess I'll be taking this little cutie home with me, the cat distribution picked me!" He laughed and all his fan girls squeezed, Bill, Tom kaulitz brother took a look at the cat aweing. One of the guards grabs Ella out of Tom's hands and she wiggles her way out, going back to Tom purring against his leg, Tom felt himself fall in love.. "awh.. sorry kitty but we can hang afterwards, wait a while" the guard grabs Ella.
Time skip after the awesome concert, the band takes there time inspecting the cat in the limo on the way to their mansion.
"She has such pretty brown fur.." Bill murmured.
Tom nods, stroking her fur.
That's when, Ella meows, turning into a human somehow, luckily she had clothes on of course! She was wearing a very embarrassing outfit though, a "I love Tom kaulitz shirt" and a pink tutu. (Not what you thought heh)
Tom stares in shock as the girl sits there, Ella meows again turning back into a cat. She meows again —- going back to a girl. "Uh" she said.
"Woah.. never seen a unique girl like that before. How old are you?" (Ignore the fact he doesn't care at all okay)
"14.." Ella said
"My age... huh."
Ella started to grasp her situation, SHE WAS BACK IN TIME ! With the perfect chance to pursue TOM KAULITZ.
"Well I suppose we will take you in, your my kitten now" (HABAHAHSJABSJAGSUAGAHZ)
Ella blushes, "I'm no one's pet.."
Tom likes this, "you'll be mine though" he whispers
Ella's face flushes red as they finally get to the mansion, Ella  meows turning into a cat.
Tom picks her up and carries her to his room.
"Now... turn into a human would you?"
Ella turns into a human, plopping onto the bed. But this time she has ears and a tail (alright dude what the flip Ella why're u a furry)
"How do you do this?" He asked, amazed.
"I dunno.. I.. was wishing I could meet Tom kaulitz. Then I fell asleep.. and woke up like this." She leaves out the part she's from the future lols.
"So you're a fan girl?" He smirks.
"Yeah.." Ella blushes.
Bill knocks on the door. "Tom come down and help me make dinner"
Tom sighs, "Kay, stay here kitten"
He leaves Ella bewildered on his bed.
"Heheheh.." Ella hears a soft giggle
"Who was that!?"
"It's me, the Gup fairy..,!"
"GUP !? What're you doing heee!?"
"I'm your fairy god father!" Gup's eyes twinkled cutely as he snickers.
"I granted you with your wishhh!"
"You asshole. AS A CAT!?"
"Be grateful!" *gup smacks Ella with his wand*
"Seriously.. knowing you I should've known you would've had him calling me kitten"
"Heheh..of course bae"
"Anyway~ Donts worry. Your nots alone :3 Gup Chan the fairy god father shall attend you.! For I've made myself bills partner."
"Omg.. dude I can't believe we're really here. How'd you get powers anyway?"
"I KNOWS RIGHT!" Gup squeezed. "Anywhos, I erm uhhh awakened the power inside me. For I am the chosen one,"
"Oi.. I see.." Ella said unimpressed
"Whatever.. anyways your bfs coming :3"
Tom opens the door to see you talking to yourself
"Oh uh hey.." he blushes, "come we're having sprinkle laka taco prinkles for dinner"
Ella nods embarrassed cursing Gup in her mind.
When she gets down though, she sees Gup sitting down next to bill all lovey dovey snickering. She throws Gup the finger before sitting down next to Tom.
Chapter two will come soon

Tom kaulitz x my friendWhere stories live. Discover now