Start from the beginning

You glanced upwards, peeking from beneath the roots to stare at the looming trees, as if it was mocking you and your pathetic attempt to flee from what was destined to be your fate. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves, the boy beside you stayed quiet as he gazed at your frantic state. Noticing him, you tilted your head and looked at him, and he lifted his arm and gently brushed away the tears that had fallen from your eyes. Staring in each other in silence, your lips trembled as you released huffs of breaths from how panicked you are right now.

"Hey.. i've never told you my name right?" A bit rushed, the words spilled out of your mouth in a hurry.

You had not wanted it to end like this,  for all you know this would be the last time you would see eachother.

Everything felt right but was wrong at the same time. The sky is high up the sky, so blue and bright, yet when you glance upwards there would be a cumulonimbus cloud looming over you. The scent of wood and the petrichor lingered, but there was still a hint of rust and iron.

You faltered for a second,

"My name is (Y/N)."

And he looked at you with the same silent gaze of a dead man.

"Stop looking at me that way." You wanted to say, yet you stayed silent.

"(Y/N)," he mumbled slowly,

"(Y/N), (Y/N)..." Again, and again. And this time you nod slowly at him.

Your name rolled slowly from his mouth, as if he was testing how it would sound from the tip of his tongue. It was so heartwrenching that you could cry.

You hummed, "i wanted to know yours, but it would be impossible."

"How about i give you a name?" With a crooked grin, you awkwardly chuckled. He stayed silent, as always, and looked at you with an empty gaze.

The sadness sits heavy in your heart, you hoped the men doesn't discover you both. You hope those men no longer directed their attention to the crashing site.

"Your name," you whispered softly

"How about, Jin?"

He casted his gaze downwards towards his hands, his eyes holding a jaded look in them,

"Jin." He mumbled softly.

You give him a smile, and yet it turned into a grimace as quickly as it came as the sound of heavy footsteps settled near you.

All hope was lost when you heard them approaching the both of you, and with a heavy heart you pulled him again. And you flee, you ran towards no destination, you ran with the intent to discard everything. You ran with his hand clasped tightly against yours in a frantic mess.

You ran until you are caught by those men. And the last thing you saw before you blacked out was the sight of an enraged boy with his eyes wide with desperation that held his open hand in an attempt to reach over you, and his mouth opened slightly to scream the only thing he had known to cherish,

He had called your name.


PURGATORY.                                                      Yu Ijin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now