Ainsley stood against one of the food tents, looking around at people with both of his arms wrapped around his big blue leopard, which he decided to name Phillipa. You were standing in the street, moving your body to the music in sync with the people around you. Even though the air was growing ice cold, the town was warm and joyous, with fried food, hot chocolate, and non-stop movement. Ainsley's cheeks were aching from his bright smile. He couldn't help it. This was the heaven he'd never heard of, but it was true that it had been delivered to him by the Paragon.

Your half lidded eyes cast a look at him. This was an incredible night, you were having the most fun you had had in a while. And your little guard was just watching you. It felt almost cruel to tease him the way you did in the movie theatre. He wasn't unattractive, he was only a year younger than you. What would be the harm in playing around a bit? You only had a month or so to leave.

You were trying to rationalise something in your head that simply couldn't be rationalised. Were you going to try to bang Ainsley? Maybe. You glanced at him.

Those big brown puppy eyes stared at you with a grin, his leopard dangling in his arms. You wanted to play with him just a bit. You shook your hips slightly before you darted behind one of the food vendors. Ainsley watched you disappear, and panicked for a moment before trying to follow soon after.

When he caught up to you, you were leaning against the brick wall of the buildings behind the vendors. No one was around, it was just the two of you hidden from the public. You held out a finger and beckoned him towards you. Like a puppet pulled by a string, he approached.

"Ainsley," you whispered. It was barely audible over the nearby band music.

"Paragon," he muttered back.

"No, no," you cut him off, "YN. Just call me YN." Ainsley let out a tense breath.

"YN~" he mewled as he crept closer. For hours, those dirty thoughts teased him. He wanted you. You held out a hand, sneaking it under the large part of his coat and onto his clothed waist. The sudden touch made him gasp just slightly, and grip his prize stuffed animal tighter.

If he was being honest with himself, it wasn't just that this was his first impure touch, but the first time he was touched at all in a long, long time. Touched by anyone but Brie crawling into his bed, or Father Carlilse's flail. And now your hand was on his hip, guiding him to stand above you. Phillipa hit the ground, discarded for the time being. Usually he would've snatched her up and cuddled her close, but he had a better prize holding onto him. Your faces were barely inches apart. Your eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and back again.

"Ainsley?" you whispered again.

He could barely hear you, now being drowned out by the pumping of his heart in his ears. He could understand what you said only from the feeling of your breath running across his lips. It was like his own name was suddenly a poem in itself. Your hand crept deeper into his coat, hooking your fingers around his waist and pulling him closer. He wasn't thinking. He doubted that he could think at all anymore.

"Kiss me," you breathed. The words imprinted on his skin. You, his own god, was beckoning him into sin. And like a loyal hound, he was following.

As he leaned in, every centimetre taking an hour to move, the hand that wasn't on his waist rested on his burning cheek. The icey air made every form of touch so much warmer.

To Ainsley, the moment was poetic, slow, like a classic painting coming together in real time. For you, the untrained boy crashed his lips onto yours, dropping his stuffed animal and hitting your head against the wall behind you. But you didn't care much, it only hurt a little. He didn't notice, and that was fine. You didn't want him to be more embarrassed than he already seemed.

You were breathing through your nose as you kissed him, not pulling away, but after a second you realised that he wasn't breathing at all. You forcefully pulled away, making him gasp for the air he forgot to take in.

"Ainsley," you said out loud. "Are you okay?" He nodded excitedly and dove back in to try to kiss you. Your hand that was on his cheek covered his mouth, making him stop where he was. His big brown eyes stared at you desperately as if he was a pet that you were dangling a treat in front of.

"Yes," he hissed. You ran the hand in his coat up his back, making him shiver slightly. He was so cute and desperate for any form of contact. You pulled him in, but not for another kiss. You wrapped your arms through his coat and hugged him tightly to you.

Ainsley wrapped you in his arms and held you close. This was a hug. The paragon was hugging him.

No, not the paragon. YN.

YN was hugging him. YN was his first kiss. YN was teasing him, and hugging him, and kissing him, and....

It was like Ainsley had been starved, and now he was being fed. He had urges today that he had never felt before, all because of you. You were more than a person, more than a god. In that moment, with your chests held together in a tight embrace, it was like Ainsley was reborn within himself.

Ainsley wasn't just a guard, he wasn't just a boy, he wasn't just a follower. You held him like you were equals, like you wanted him in every way he wanted you. And he melted into your touch like ice in fire.

Ainsley was no longer a guard. He was your loyal pet.

Ooooo. Sorry about my irregular publishing. I recently moved and caught COVID in the same three day span. I'm not having a good time. Don't forget to vote and comment! Have a nice day.

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