Chapter 11: Meeting with the Knave

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Third Person POV: Quincy

After the meeting with Neuvillette regarding some diplomatic issues, such as the conviction of the Eleventh Harbinger, a meeting was set up between Furina and Quincy's sister. Furina insisted on Neuvillette and Quincy being present, and he didn't disagree. She had tried to kill them after all. When Arlecchino arrived to the meeting, Quincy heard a few clinking sounds and caught the smell of some familiar sweets from the bakery Furina took him to. His sister had brought sweets as a peace offering? What a weird apology.

"Though it could officially be considered a diplomatic conference, I prefer to see our meeting today as an ordinary tea party. I assume you see it the same way, Miss Furina?" Arlecchino wondered, her voice containing slight traces of a passive-aggressive tone. Furina hummed quietly, not giving the Harbinger a verbal response. Quincy nudged her shoulder, making Furina snap out of her thoughts.

"Ah? Oh, yes, yes, that's right! Just like you said, a tea party. I should thank you for providing the pastries, they look delectable." Furina agreed with nervous laughter, shoving one of the pastries in Quincy's mouth. He tried not to cough it up and choke as the sugary sweet was forced inside. He was not as fond of sweets as his sister, and almost dying via food was not how he wanted to go. "To make this tea party even more lively, I've invited these two to join us, today."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Neuvillette." Arlecchino's voice instantly became much more polite to the point it made Quincy want to hit her in the head with his cane. "My brother and I were born in Fontaine, so naturally, there's no need to introduce the nation's revered Iudex to me. And it is always nice to see you, Quin."

"Likewise." Quincy replied stiffly, tapping his cane on the carpet floor. He knew she up to something, and she better not try assassinating Furina again.

"Hello, the pleasure is also mine." Neuvillette stated.

"First, I would like to thank you two." Arlecchino spoke, referring to everyone but Quincy.  "I'm often away on business outside of Fontaine, and I'm told that the children of the House of the Hearth are well taken care of by you when my brother cannot be there."

"Get to the point." Quincy interrupted, knowing where this was going. He heard his sister leave her seat and approach him. "Stop playing games and wasting everyone's valuable time." He sent a tiny jolt of Electro to get his point across, and he heard her shoes shuffle against the carpet.

"Then, I suppose you can wait outside this office. After all, the Iudex is here to protect her." Arlecchino growled.

"Yes, that's fine. Quincy, you are dismissed." Furina declared. Quincy let out an annoyed sigh, pushing past his sister.

"Don't defy me again, brother. Or else." His sister whispered in his ear. He felt the power radiating off of her, and the tip of his cane sharpened into its sword form. 

"Next time you try anything that stupid again, I will end you." Quincy replied quietly. 

Third Person POV: Furina

Furina observed their interaction with one another carefully. The tension was obvious to her even though she couldn't hear what they were saying. But by the way Quincy was holding his cane, he was anticipating a fight. Furina herself was nervous to speak with Arlecchino. Quincy made her feel safe, but she had to act like last night had never happened. As far as Neuvillette and the rest of Fontaine were concerned, she was never attacked by The Knave. 

As the meeting was about to continue, both Quincy and Arlecchino paused. It was an unnatural pause, like they had detected something amiss. Furina began to feel a sense of unease, the same unease as the night before. 

"Quincy, wh-" Her sentence was cut off as Quincy tapped his cane on the ground. He repeated this action several times. A code. One used by the House. He had taught her a few words to listen for and she assumed that was what he was doing.

Stop. Act natural. That was what Furina understood. There was more tapping which became more frantic and frequent. Arlecchino let out an audible hum, responding back to him with her foot. Quincy replied and The Knave sat down again. 

"Quincy, you may take your leave now!" Furina said after a moment. Right. Act natural. Keep acting like the meeting is going to progress as normal. 

"Yes, my lady." Quincy agreed, coming over to her quickly and kissing her hand. 

"When I reach for the door handle, take my Garde sword and swing it. The sword is propped up against your chair." Quincy whispered to her. "And then let me and my sister do the rest." Furina nodded, unsure of his plan but decided to trust him anyway. Her life was in his hands. Quincy walked away and approached the door. His hand reached for the handle, and then, all hell broke loose. 

Furina stood up, grabbed the sword, and swung it in the direction of her former position. Electro protruded from the weapon and knocked back the unknown attacker who had leapt down from the ceiling rafters. The person went to retaliate, but was knocked back by a wave of Pyro. Furina backed away and hid behind Neuvillette, afraid of what was next.

"Monsieur Neuvillette. Take Furina to safety at once. My sister and I will handle this." Quincy commanded. Furina took note of his serious tone and the malice in his voice. That person was not going to live much longer. 

"Of course." Neuvillette obeyed, taking Furina with him out of the room. "Do what you must."

Third Person POV: Arlecchino

Arlecchino watched the door close before turning back to the person that had interrupted their meeting. Whoever it was, they had the audacity to attack the Hydro Archon with the Iudex, and two Harbingers present. Foolish. She gripped her scythe tightly, and glanced at her brother. She did not hate him for last night. It was his job, and she was sure they would talk later about the matter. 

"Who do you think you are, stopping me like that?" The person growled, getting up from their position on the floor. 

"We're your worst nightmare, that's who." Quincy spoke, his voice dripping with anger. He had moved his cane into its scythe mode, a mode rarely seen by the House. A polearm/scythe was his true weapon, just like hers. His cicin were flying around the three people in the room, creating a much needed Electro triangle so Quincy could see. 

"Tell us what you were so desperately trying to do." Arlecchino demanded.

"Over my dead body!" The person refused with a yell. 

"Trust me, that can be arranged." Arlecchino smirked and the fight began. 

It was a dance between Pyro and Electro, working in harmony to defeat their singular opponent. In battle, Arlecchino was often compared to a demon, ferocious and destructive. Where as Quincy was a dragon, fierce and elegant. They hadn't fought together in a long time, but when they did, no one made it out alive. 

"Talk." Quincy commanded, pointing the tip of his scythe at the person's neck. They had easily won and their opponent appeared to be a normal Fatui soldier. A defective Fatuus. "What where you trying to do?"

"Like I'd ever tell rejects like you!" The soldier spat out, glaring at them. "You couldn't hope to understand her great vision."

"Her? Mother, The Director, she's still alive?" Arlecchino questioned in disbelief. She thought she had killed her when she took over the House of the Hearth. 

"She is. and she's coming for you! She will exact her vengeance on those who wronged her! Dirty traitors!"

"Who else is coming?"

"Efim is coming too! Just you wait and see! They'll take you off your high horse and show you who's really in charge of things! They'll kil-" The soldier's shouting was cut off as he stopped suddenly. The life faded from his eyes as blood burst out from his mouth. Looking down, she saw her brother's scythe had sliced his throat.

"And we'll be ready for them." Quincy announced to the empty air. "We'll win again and protect this family of ours."

"I won't let her harm you ever again." Arlecchino agreed. 

And that day, an old promise was rekindled. There was a new enemy to direct their rage against. The Director and Efim, her assistant. They would be messing with the wrong Harbingers.

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