𝟬𝟬𝟱 The Monster's Gone

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﹙ the monster's gone ﹚

UNWILLING to let this happen to Bolin, Mako devises a plan to save him. He instructs Korra to create a distraction using the steam from nearby boilers while he and Sanyu rescue his brother. Hopefully, the plan can be executed smoothly.

"Come on, stay close to me," Mako urges Sanyu, who grumbles stubbornly at being told what to do after Korra heads to the boilers. They both keep an eye on each other in case they are caught.

Approaching the stage, Sanyu halts beside Mako, who gazes towards where Korra disappeared. They both wait for the Avatar to use the steam as a distraction so they can execute their next plan.

As time drags on, Mako impatiently mutters, "Come on . . ."

Sanyu curses under her breath, eyes widening as an Equalist guard approaches Bolin. She watches anxiously as the guard fumbles with Bolin's ropes, hearing his soft whimper. When Bolin is finally freed and thrown forward, Sanyu's fingers and legs itch to move, to save Mako's little brother.

Sensing her agitation, Mako squeezes her shoulder reassuringly, calming her. "Offi──Sanyu . . ." he reminds her to stay calm, and after a moment, she does.

She takes a couple of deep breaths, pushing her fear and strong emotions deep down into her stomach. Gradually, she becomes stoic once more, as she usually does. There's a lingering fear──the darkness of her trauma──that fills her mind, but she pays it no heed, even as Amon's actions remind her of Zaheer, both showing no mercy to anyone.

An explosion to the left prompts Sanyu to release a breath of relief, followed by loud screams as steam pours into the meeting room. Mako is the first to leap onto the stage and grab hold of the Equalist, who is about to take his little brother. Bolin appears overwhelmed with joy at the sight of his brother. Meanwhile, Sanyu swiftly takes down two Equalists with several punches.

"Bolin, you all right?" Mako asks, his concern evident.

"Yes!" Bolin responds, clasping his hands in relief before extending them for a hug. "Mako, and this gorgeous woman, I love you!"

"Yeah, yeah, we're happy to see you too, big guy!" Sanyu retorts, giving him a look. "Now, cut the garbage! We need to go!"

Before Bolin can say another word or attempt to hug them, Mako seizes him around the neck and drags him off into the steam, with Sanyu following closely behind.

"Wait, where's Korra?!" Sanyu questions, scanning the surroundings as she continues to flee with the brothers. "We can't leave her!"

"There's no time!" Mako answers, kicking a door open, sending birds scattering. "We need to go now!"

The trio rushes out onto the balcony and dashes towards a ladder. Bolin leads the way down with the other two in tow, before another person who emerges from the door and joins them at the ladder. Sanyu glances up from the top and spots an Equalist fighter. Seeing the Lieutenant twirl his kali sticks, she swiftly kicks the brothers off the ladder and jumps down herself before the enemy can strike the ladder, sending an electrical charge through it.

Sanyu has a broad battle experience. She's battled various types of criminals and individuals. Some utilize bending, while others wield deadly weapons or mobiles. There are even those who fight with kali sticks and electric gloves, specifically targeting police officers. The frequent use of electricity against officers is due to their uniforms being primarily made of metal, as many of them are metal benders.

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