Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Meeting
A cloudy morning's sky, aided by the Traveler's gargantuan form, obscured the moon from the City's sight. Thick shadows blanketed the rundown edges of civilization. The streets were empty, shops locked down. A single lamp post dimly lit the plaza. The meager source of light flickered erratically amidst the gloom choking it. Dull and weathered buildings surrounded a lone man standing at the center of the Western Trade District's outdoor market.
"Of all places to be so quiet, it's the City," the man complained to himself. "Too damn quiet," he forcefully exhaled and leaned back against an awning's splintered post. I miss the good old days.
The mysterious man was clothed in faded, worn mahogany leather wrapped around a black thermal retention body suit and kevlar body armor. His dark black cargo pants were tattered. He wore severely scuffed boots and a deep abyssal black hood with a glossy red trim around the face edge hung from his neck. His gray, stone polished belt buckle framed a detailed wolf head. With most of his attire being so degraded, the hood and buckle looked out of place for the man. His thick hair was solid black, combed back. He had a dark tan skin tone and brown eyes were all that captured the dying light near him. The man concealed his face behind a black mesh mask that wrapped around his head, covering his mouth and nose.
Four weeks and no jobs. If only the damned FOTC and Council didn't put Titans on the Wall at night, I could slip out of this bore of a City once in a while. And I could find a fight or two while I was at it.
All of a sudden, the man heard the sound of footsteps echoing in a nearby road. He could make out four men closing in on his vicinity. Their strides were forceful, organized, and quick. Military. Two of them were taller and heavier than the other two. Clanking sounds were discernable. Their stench reminded him of the general military, FOTC. Faint shadows emerged on a wall and they turned the corner in cadence. Two Warlocks followed by two Titans approached him.
"Let me guess. Those Council scumbags want something from me. Yet again, I'm left wondering why the cowards don't ask me themselves. With a security detail like yours, they shouldn't have anything to worry about. Am I right, boys?" The darkly clothed man sighed, "At least they sent four of you this time. The odds are a little better for you than your friends that were sent last month. How are they doing, by the way?"
The larger of the two Titans lost his temper and bolted after the man, snatching his collar in his thick gauntlet. "Shut the hell up, you bastard! Don't you know who you're disrespecting?! You are a disgrace to Guardians."
"Where did you get that idea from? I'm no Guardian. I'm not as low as you dogs who heel at the feet of the Council. And if you knew what was good for you, you would let go of me sooner rather than later." The man's voice harbored absolutely no fear. His unwavering eyes were calm and cold, like a predator's keen eyes locked on its prey. The Titan soon felt that a blade's fine edge was pressed against his neck. The hooked, serrated karambit knife fit around the hulking Guardian's jugular snugly. The wielder wasn't fooling around. He was fast. And he was prepared.
One of the Warlocks shouted, "Release him! We have orders to bring him to the Tower. The Councilmen themselves might be forgiving, but our orders come directly from Commander Sideros. Do you want to push your luck with him of all people? We have to put up with his mouth until we escort him to the loading bay."
The Titan growled in defeat and his grip loosened.
"Good boy," the man blurted with a short nod, patting the Titan's shoulder. The Guardian's face couldn't be seen beneath his helmet, but it was obvious a hateful glare was set on the man.
"Lukos Chorvo, the Council has ordered that you be brought to the Tower immediately. You will receive further instruction there. We are here to escort you."
"It better be a good paying job. I'm bored as hell with this hole. I need to get out and let loose." The Guardians stared at him spitefully, doing their best to hold their tempers back.
"Lead the way," Lukos said as he sheathed his knife underneath his left arm.

"Every time I come to the Tower, I'm always reminded of how plain this City is. Is the architecture really enough? The color is all wrong." The Guardians escorting Lukos glanced at each other in frustration, shaking their heads.
"But now that I think about it, the color symbolizes the City and its people well. Bland, two dimensional, and predictable. Ain't I right, big guy?" Lukos looked over his shoulder at the Titan he angered earlier and smirked. The Guardian scoffed and turned his head. Lukos chuckled lightly and reverted his eyes ahead of him.
An elevator was centered in the substantially large first floor lobby. The five men stepped onto the platform surrounded by a clear cylindrical glass wall and the door closed, flush with the wall. The commanding Warlock spoke, "Take us to Loading Dock S-153."
Then a woman's automated monotone voice played over the elevator speakers, "Access code required."
The Warlock then replied, "Not one is lost."
"Access granted." After a short delay, the elevator shot up with high velocity.
Lukos' body felt heavy as he looked out the elevator's and Tower's window-like walls. What few stars adorned the sky began to fade as the sun began to surface behind the Traveler. He gazed at the gigantic orb and the City that lay beneath. Pathetic.
The elevator decelerated and the doors opened promptly. Lukos and the Guardians stepped off and approached a set of thick double doors that automatically opened for the group. When they stepped through, Lukos studied a massive loading bay. Dozens of Dead Orbit engineers and flight specialists bustled around a fighter ship. It was a dark navy blue with metallic silver-white geometric designs stretched across the hull. Its bullet-like body was very sleek and aerodynamic. Upon closer inspection, Lukos realized it was a little larger than a fighter; a hybrid between a fighter and a drop ship. But Lukos knew a little about ships and noticed that its design was optimized for speed, maneuverability, and efficiency more than anything. The ship's hatch had been lowered, left ajar, and the engineers poured in and out of the spacecraft.
"So this is it, huh?" Lukos made a few quick glances around the room and ended his sweep with the commanding Warlock, "Where's the guy who's supposed to tell me more?"
"Commander Sideros must still be at Council Hall. Please wait for him to return. He will brief you when he arrives." As he was speaking, a beep sounded on the Warlock. He flicked his communication switch immediately, listening intently.
An upset mechanical voice responded, "Get the other one now. Meet me at Loading Dock S-153."
"Yes, sir," the Warlock said over the dead channel. Then he said to the other three Guardians, "Alright, let's go get the last one."
As they began to turn away, Lukos stopped them, "I'm going with. I have nothing to do here, so I'm gonna tag along." The Guardians looked at each other, remaining silent, "Does your boss even know that I'm here yet? What's it gonna hurt if I take off for a bit?"
The Warlock in charge groaned, "Alright, but keep your trap shut."
Lukos laughed with joy. They left for the closest general transport bay and departed on an FOTC drop ship headed for the edge of the City.
As they approached the edge of the City, Lukos looked out the passenger hold's starboard side window. He could make out a lone figure standing on the Wall. As the shuttle descended to the landing pad, Lukos noticed the motionless Titan staring into the wilderness beyond the City's borders. The pilot released the airlock hatch and Lukos stepped out. The man in black, dark gray, and golden yellow armor ahead stood several inches taller than Lukos. Even though he was clad in bulky armor, it was obvious that the Guardian was very stocky and muscular. He had a broad back and wide, square shoulders. He didn't have much of a neck and his legs were like tree trunks. This man was rather large, even by Titan standards. He stood tall and his chest stuck out but not with pride. He held his head high but Lukos could tell that something else was there. The Guardian looked heavy, tired, worn out. But Lukos dismissed it. For now. The Titan turned his head and looked at Lukos.
"Hey big guy, let's get going. We have work to do."

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