7 Months Later

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Y/N- A former member of the diamond cutters until they were betrayed and killed, they are an anthropomorphic fox with unspecified fur, eyes, tail and hair color leaving it up to the reader. Unlike traditional Diamond cutter gear they wear ankle high azure black boots, fingerless green gloves allowing them to use Wispons better, black shorts with a wisp canister beside them, a black long-sleeved shirt with a black hoodie over it, they wear a mask that looks like a fox with cream, dark gray and light gray in color, they have a scope in the single red eye helping them aim and hiding their face. They use a modified Burst Wispon (Modeled after the Red wisp, the Burst Wispon is a red-colored that has a fireball-shaped frame that is held together by several black nozzles. These nozzles are attached to a white barrel. It also has three holes on its front, keeping with the Red Wisp-motif. It also has a black handle on the back that allows the wielder to hold it in a comfortable grip.) This one is unique because it has blue stripes along the grip and can switch from flame thrower or all the three holes can come together to pull off a precision shot. Y/N uses a red wisp named Redster. Y/N is usually quiet and has not been heard to even mutter a single word since their time during the Eggman-Resistance war, they are a complex thinker and prefer to stay out of the spotlight, staying back and scouting with Whisper, but has a very big temper, often lashing out and staying angry for a while when angered. Since the betrayal has made Y/N even more independent, refusing to show their whole face and refusing to speak, they only trust Whisper and people who are her allies as they look up to her as a higher up since she was in the Diamond Cutters for longer.

Whisper- Whisper is an anthropomorphic wolf with biscotti fur that covers most of her body, and brown skin that covers her muzzle, inside of her ears, arms, upper torso, and front torso. She has thick black eyelashes and cloudy white fur around her eyes that resemble a mask. Her eyes are cadet blue, although they are often closed to the point of squinting. She wears light gray eyeshadow and has a long, bushy tail which ends in several tufts of fur sticking out in various directions. She also has a black nose, long-pointed ears and quite long hair that she keeps tied at the back in a ponytail with a black hair tie, save for a long, thick hair bang that covers her right eye. Her pointed cheeks are a little fluffy. Her fangs protrude from her mouth which is often in a natural frown. For attire, Whisper wears a cream-colored tube top, light gray leggings, and a dark gray cloak, in which she keeps six canisters. The cloak also has black and dark gray pockets seen on the shoulders. Whisper wears an outfit geared towards combat. This includes dark gray arm sleeves with black elbow pads, dark gray and light gray gloves with visible dark brown claws, and dark gray knee sleeves and black knee pads. She sports military-fashioned black, dark gray, and light gray boots. She can sometimes be seen wearing her cat-like ornate mask scope, which is cream, dark gray and light gray in color. Three holes are seen at the right side of the mask and a blue "eye" on the left side. Since the betrayal, Whisper has become more quiet to the point of it being a whisper, she has also become more reserved and bottles up her emotions when put in stressful situations rather than talking. They have a deep bond with Y/N due to them both sharing trauma from the betrayal causing Whisper to be wary in making relationships with friends.

Chapter 2

Y/N and Whisper have become mercenaries for 7 months now, taking out Eggman's bases from anonymous sources, saving resistance members from being killed and just keeping to themselves never joining the resistance during the war. The war was now over, Eggman was defeated and disappeared, the resistance has been helping with the clean-up initiative, the Badniks were still attacking places, but they kept to themselves only going out for missions. In this time Whisper has become quiet, barley talking over a whisper, only trusting Y/N and being more reserved. Y/N has remained the same and has been following Whispers lead but never takes off their mask now or speaking, the past still haunts them both too to this day.

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