#000. the obligatory about me section ╱ 031424

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well well well if it isn't the face of all the bad decisions that litter her watty drafts !

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well well well if it isn't the face of all the bad decisions that litter her watty drafts !

but yes, if you must know, i am a graphic designer (real) who spends her life on photoshop and illustrator and makes covers for fics that are so far down in her drafts that she may unfortunately never get around to writing them and then she's too prideful to open a plot shop and the cover goes to waste ! shame

i started my first graphic portfolio in 2020 (although i've been messing with photoshop and blender since 2016) and it has been a literal mess ever since (aside from the dates)(but even then some of them aren't in order) !

i graduated with a degree in graphic design in 2022 and i will flash it every chance i get bc i am not about to be taken out by ai ??? which is terrible bc no one is hiring and if they are, they want you to be able to work with ai and i simply will not do that bc i wanna be hired for my very extensive skillset thank you very much !

i honestly don't care if i sound egotistical at this point bc i have been shat on and not taken seriously and i'm sick and tired of it !!!!

so consider this portfolio a big book of flexes ;-]

TUMMY HURTS ╱ graphic portfolio #2Where stories live. Discover now