ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 82 {ᖇEᑌᑎITIOᑎ}🦨

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I have another Question haha:

Should I change the cover of this book? To something a little more serious haha?? Or should we keep it because stinky Pete is pretty icon 🤪

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

"Harmony, hone. Sunscreen." The little girls mom calls out. We had ended up at the park, being pushes on a swing gently by the little girl. It's been great but it time we head out, and fast. Bonnie has to be awake by now and I can only dread the thought of her worried face, seeing the forky isn't with her.

"Okay. Be right back, ragdollys." The girl skips off and as soon as that back is turned we slide of the swing unnoticed

"Okay. Antique store, antique store..." Woody utters as we try to weave our way through the playground, heading right back to the store

"Wait no, this way!" I guide the cowboy and we hop onto a toy construction truck after giving it a push. Keeping our heads low we ride to towards the road, it's almost too easy. I shouldn't have gotten excited so soon because a yellow school bus pulls up. Great.

It breaks to a stop and we scamper out of the toy truck before the kids come running out, right in our direction. Woody leads me right back into the playground, swinging in to take cover in a sandbox which isn't ideal, I don't want to get sand suck between my joints. Just got to be careful.

"Did you see 'em? How many are there?" An eager, ice cream scoop wearing toy pops out, surprising us.

A second toy flies over and lands in front of us.
"We got a busload of campers!"

Three Combat Carl action figures run over to the sandbox cheering "hut, hut, hut!" as they do. Where are these toys coming from? "Aha! Here they come, playtime baby!"

"Huh?" They all drop as the ground below us starts to rumble. I though this only happened in earthquakes, how many kids are there? Little pieces of sand fall from the wooden wall as the kids cheers grow closer and closer. Nuh uh, we ain't hanging around.

We book it just in time to disappear as if we were never in the sandpit. We dash straight into the playground, feeling like this is tuned into a wild goose chase before dropping quickly as a kid slides down the yellow slide, a little shark boat beside them. As soon as they arrived, they were soon gone and we cower behind the slide. Toys are flying in the air, dashing around and like the shark, crawling back up the slide "Oh, baby! It's a good day to play, huh? Am I right?" Why are all these toys just here? We're they left behind... or do they live here? I don't understand, where are their owners?

I see Woody's head whip around, catching sight of something which he immediately wants to chase after, out of curiosity. But it's just not safe, their is too many kids!

"Woody wait, there's-" I try to reach out to the cowboy to pull him back but he dashes away too fast. With a scoff I hang closer to the play equipment, watching the cowboy closely while dashing to hide behind a landing on the end of the monkey bars as Woody drops, seeing a kid rolling around on the merry-go-round to stop in front of him. She gingerly picks him up and introduces him to... to-

To her.

"Hello, Mr. Cowboy. How are you today?" The little blond girl greets, Little Bo Peep in her right hand. She's actually here, too many emotions and thoughts are running through my mind. Relief, shock, grief, excitement, disbelief, disappointment. I don't know whether to be optimistic or not, she's back, and she's here. I never thought we'd see her again. "Do you like riding horses?"

Bo looks a little different, I mean for starters she dressed differently, her flawless delicate pink dress now replaced with her blue undergarments attire, that's an odd choice, there's a few bandages on her arms as her crook as something tied on it too. Did I child do that? She still is sporting her polka-dot skirt but her bonnet is no where to be seen, now a pink bow sits on her hair. As the little girl holds the two close, time feels as though it slows down, just like it did all those years ago. Their closeness, their warmth for each-other, them in general seems to all come flying back to my mind, my worries are back. They were always so close for so long, I don't want to be jealous but, I'm scared. The guilt and the fear... I thought this was left in the past!

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now