He landed face first but it's a meadow, it wouldn't hurt that badly. He got up and looked around. He saw people walking around aimlessly and lying on the floor. This was sad, the poor souls would be stuck with this torture til time ends. Some picked flowers and some did absolutely nothing. He wanted to end his life a second time after witnessing this endless torture.

He walked and chains began to sprout up and restrain him. One chain got his leg. He struggled but the chain only got stronger. He began to be more discouraged and another chain restrained his leg. He grew weary and his negativity was in complete control. The chains restrained the rest of him. And pulled him underground. He knew what was happening to him . The ground absorbs souls that aren't meant to be in Asphodel and either sends them to Elysium or Tartarus. He wouldn't get sent anywhere due to his power and he would simply be entombed for eternity.

He opened his eyes to a vision of Bloom standing over where his soul was absorbed. "You're stronger than this. You always taught me never to give up. You're so close.... Just keep going a little bit longer. I promise you'll get to rest when you're done. Okay? But just for now dig deep into your soul.... Find it, find that fire... For us. " The meadow was set ablaze by a blue flame. Adelheid dug himself out of the grave and roared like a beast fighting for its life. The ground was scorched and saw the jewel ..... A sapphire with a bright blue glow.

Put his hands into the ground and ripped it open. Creating an entrance to Tartarus. By force. He looked down and the monsters and demons. He roared and jumped down.

The ground shook violently when he reached the ground. They approached him, the flames of his soul. They burned bright blue and he barred his teeth. They attacked him wave after wave. He fought them off with every bit of strength he had, easily overpowering them. Crushing skills like dust and destroying souls with his flames. They retreated but he chased them down. He burned them out of existence. Then the watch dog of Tartarus appeared. It barked, he roared in his response. Cerberus had soul fire but it wasn't as strong. Adelheid laughed. "No wonder Heracles could put this mut on a leash so easily. It's weak." he beat the dog down and proceeded to incinerate it's soul.

He marched right up to the throne room of Hades' throne room. Hades knew of the ruckus he had been causing in the afterlife. He sighed."Please for peace sake never die in this realm. Take it, just take it and leave Tartarus." Hades threw the gem, a pure white diamond with a pearl in the middle. "How do I get back?" he asked. Just sit patiently and wait for Aphrodite.

He sat like a bored child. Picking his nose, sitting upside down and staring into space. He played his powers. Making stuff float to annoy Hades. Making his chair catch fire randomly. He lost his time stop when he died so no time related shenanigans for today. He waited what seemed to be years but in human time.... It was 5 minutes. Aphrodite looked at him and smiled. "He didn't cause too much trouble did he?" she asked playfully. Knowing full well he caused a disturbance, committed arson and attempted murder. "Just take him and leave." Hades said while signing some papers.

Adelheid blinked and they were back in her garden. Aphrodite had a glass of wine. Adelheid was distracted by something. "Whats the matter?" she asked. "Just thinking about something." he replied. "Bloom saved your life.... TWICE. This girl truly makes you love sick doesn't she?" Aphrodite took another sip. "You know, she seems to be your only motivation for doing any of this. She'll drive you insane one day. But I'm afraid that ship appears to have sailed." Aphrodite said jokingly.

Genos came. "After a few strings were pulled. I got Apollo to create a new body for you to re-enter the world of the living." he said. "Does that mean?..." Genos nodded. "You'll get to see her again." Adelheid broke down into tears. His longing for her kept him strong through these rough times. "Best part is that you'll still be able to use your other abilities." Genos said. Adelheid gave him the gems. Genos nodded and brought out a golden casket with diamonds all over it. There were ivory handles.

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