9. The first date

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Sofia's pov:

"It's a date"

The words- or rather message- rings through my head causing my head to spin. Carlos Sainz jr, a formula one driver. A very handsome, very important man asked me, a single mother, on a date! It hasn't even been that long since we've met, maybe a week, and he's asked me on a date.

"Did I leave that much of an impression on him? I mean we've only met twice." I question myself.

"Querida, você está quase terminando de se arrumar? Está quase na hora" (Darling, are you almost done getting ready? It's almost time.) My mothers voice breaks me out of my head. My mom has come over to watch Beatriz while I'm at dinner with Carlos. My mother moved from Rio back to her home in Madrid after her and my father divorced a couple years ago. Their marriage had always been rocky but their love for Davi and I never wavered.

"Sim, mamãe. Estou quase terminando."(Yes, mama. I'm almost done.) I respond while putting the finishing touches on my makeup.

"Okay Sof, you've got this." I say to myself when I've finished.

I walk out of my room to where my mom, Maria and Bea are sitting in my living room.

"O que você acha? É demais?" (What do you think? Is it too much?) I say coming to a stop in front of them. Maria lets out a whistle.

"Mamãe, você está tão bonita!" (mommy, you look so pretty!" Beatriz says jumping up from the couch and running to give me a hug.

"Oh, obrigado, querida. Isso é exatamente o que eu precisava ouvir." (Oh, thank you baby. That's just what I needed to hear.) I say squeezing her tight.

"Bem, ela está certa, você está linda, querida."(Well, she's right, you look beautiful baby.) My mom says, pulling me into a hug. "Estou feliz que alguém tenha conquistado seu interesse o suficiente para dar uma chance a eles." (I'm happy that someone has gained your interest enough to give them a chance.)

"Mom, we've only met twice!" I say in exasperation.

"Yes, and now you're going on a date with him!" She responds back with a smile. "And Maria told me that you won't stop talking about him!"


"O quê? Você fica todo sorridente sempre que ele te envia mensagens de texto! Você não era assim com nenhum de seus ex."(What? You get all smiley whenever he texts you! You weren't this way with any of your exes.) Maria says looking smug.


We are interrupted by the sound of my phone going off. I rush over to get it out of my purse that I had put down on the media table upon entering the room.

I'm downstairs 😊

"Oh my god, he's here!!" I gasp out.

"Go!!" Maria says pushing me toward the door.

"Seja bom para a vovó, ok?" (Be good for grandma okay?) I say giving Bea a quick kiss on the forehead.

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