35. T-shirt Off 🔞

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I gave him a small nod and he peppered kisses along my neck, sucking and biting at the skin. I moaned and tilted my head, exposing my neck to him.

His hand gripped the back of my head as he continued to go lower, until he was at my collarbone.

He looked up at me with a smirk, before motioning towards the situation I had going on in my shorts. "Want me to touch you, Sebastian?"

I was out of breath and panting just from his pleasurable assault on my neck. I nodded.

He grabbed my jaw and made me look at him. "Words, baby."

I threw my head back in frustration. "Please touch me, Finn! You're driving me insane!"

That was all he had to hear. His eyes darkened, and he lifted me up with ease. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me over to his bed.

I tried to see if the curtains were shut. He wiped away my worries with a burning kiss, one that had me craving for more.

"Curtains shut, doors locked. Keep your focus on me, baby."

I rolled my head around. I couldn't wait any longer.

He patted my thigh. "T-shirt off."

I scrambled to take my tee off, doing it in record time. He licked his lips and all but pounced on me.

He laid me down on the bed, hovering over me, supporting his weight with his hands on either side of my head.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Sebastian."

He placed open mouthed kisses trailing down my neck to my chest. I was breathing haphazardly, devouring his touch.

He twisted and pinched at my nipples, making me moan like crazy.

"You're so sensitive here." He rubbed them against his fingers, doing it more intensely as I reacted even more.

He lowered his mouth and started to lick and bite at my left nipple, while his hand continuously tortured my right. I tangled up my fingers in his hair, writhing my body.

He began sucking on it, driving me mad. I was close to tears with the overwhelming amount of sensations. His hand trailed to my waist where he stroked the soft skin.

His mouth switched to my right nipple, while his hand kept teasing me at the top of my shorts.

His hand snaked into my shorts, finally, finally giving me what I was craving.

As he wrapped his hand around my throbbing cock, I bucked my hips up and moaned loudly. He smiled mischievously and took his hand out the next moment. I whined in complaint.


He shut me up by devouring my lips again, darting his tongue in.

He pulled away and tugged at my shorts. "Let's get these off, shall we?"

He tugged them off in one swoop, leaving me only in my underwear. He started kissing the bulge of my dick through the cloth, and I almost cried.

"Finn, no more teasing!"

He looked up at me with a smirk.

"Patience, sweetheart."

He pulled back the elastic and let it go, making it snap against my waist. He then slowly, tortuously pulled it down, lower and lower, until they were off completely. I was almost delirious, panting like crazy.

My face was hot, and as horny as I was, I was also so shy. It was the first time he was seeing me naked. What did he think?

My hands instictively darted downwards in an attempt to cover myself. He grabbed both my wrists in one hand and held them above my head, his other hand stroking my face lightly.

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