Oo De Lally

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John Dory (narrating): Well long ago King Peppy went out on a crusade and left his brother Prince Vernon in charge of the kingdom and boy was that a bad decision

John Dory: Why hello there. I'm John Dory. My job is to tell what happened, what's happening, or whatever. Have you ever heard the story of Clay Hood? No? Well then I'll be happy to tell it

John Dory: Clay Hood and Bitty B walking through the forest

Laughing back and forth at what the other has to say

Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time

Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly, what a day 

Never ever thinking there was danger in the water

They were drinking, they just guzzled it down

Never ever dreaming that a scheming sheriff and his posse

Was a-watching them and gathering around

Clay Hood and Bitty B running through the forest

Hopping fences dodging trees and trying to get away

Contemplating nothing but escape finally making it

Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly, what a day

 Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally, golly, what a day

Bitty B/Branch: You know something Clay? You're taking to many chances

Clay Hood: Chances? You must be joking. It's just a bit of a lark Bitty B

Bitty B/Branch: Yeah? Take a look at your hat. That's not a candle on a cake

Clay Hood realizes that there was an arrow in his hat 

Clay Hood: Hello that one almost had my name on it didn't it. They're getting better you know. You've got to admit it they are getting better.

Bitty B/Branch: Yeah the next time that sheriff will have a rope around our necks. Pretty hard to laugh hanging there Clay

Clay Hood: Ha the sheriff and his posse couldn't catch me if they tried. Enguard!

Bitty B/Branch: Hey watch it Clay! That's the only hat I've got

Clay Hood: Oh come along you worry too much

Bitty B/Branch: You know something Clay I was just thinking. Are we good guys or bad guys? I mean we are robbing the rich to feed the poor

Clay Hood: Rob? That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just borrow a bit from those who can afford it

Bitty B/Branch: Borrow? Boy are we in debt

Then they heard trumpets being blown

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