32. Clarifications

Start from the beginning

Was Finn still here? I needed to apologize asap, the feeling of worry gnawing inside me was suffocating.

I reached the entrance and was shocked when I saw a person crumpled up on the stairs.

The person looked oddly familiar. I took a step closer. What the hell?


His head shot up, and my heart broke at the sight. Finn's eyes were red, and tears were streaming down his face, his hair pointing in a million different directions.

He looked like a wreck.

He clambered off the stairs and ran towards me. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair, sobbing uncontrollably, murmuring words so fast I couldn't understand anything.

I'd never seen him like this before. I began to panic, maybe something really bad happened. I tried to pull his face away so I could take a look at him, but he held on even tighter.

"Please, Sebastian..."

I frowned. He sounded so sad.

"Please, just let me hold you."

I was genuinely scared now.

"Finn? I'm so sorry, I completely ruined this, I tried to come on time but-"

He placed a finger on my lips and drew in a shaky breath.

"Please don't leave me Sebastian. I- I'll keep you happy, I promise."

I pulled myself away and gave him an incredulous look. What the fuck?

I held his face in my hands, my worry increasing by the second. "Finn, baby, please tell me what's wrong?"

He shook his head. "I don't mind being your second choice, I love you Sebastian."

I held his face a little tighter. What was he going on about?

I pinched his cheek lightly. He looked disraught, and I don't think I could get any answers out of him this way.

I pulled him over to the side stairs. They were wide, and we would go unnoticed and not get in anyone's way either. I tugged on his arm so we were both sat down on the stairs, side by side.

I pulled his head onto my lap and he automatically rested his body on the stairs. He shut his eyes, and I gently raked my fingers through his hair, trying my best to comfort him. He relaxed ever so slightly, and I took that as a good sign.

When he'd calmed down a bit, I lightly placed my hand on his cheek.

"Baby, I love you. You know that, right?"

He gave me a heartbreaking look, eyes wide and innocent, but didn't reply. Something must've happened to make him this way. He was fine before I left for home.

I stroked his cheek and tried to coax him. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Can you tell me what happened after your volleyball tryouts?"

His face dropped. "Ben showed up.", he said, in a voice so soft I could barely hear him.

I was immediately filled with rage. That dirty bastard. He must've fucked around with Finn's head again. It was the shittiest coincidence that the very day I got into my mess, he had run into Ben.

As much as I wanted to find him and give him a piece of my mind, I had to focus on the boy in front of me first.

I continued caressing his face. "What did he say?"

His eyes were glistening. "He said you like Ryan."

I paused my movements. The actual fuck?

I grabbed Finn's face with my hands and leaned down. "Why the hell would I like Ryan?"

He mumbled something about truth or dare. My eyes widened in realisation. That bitch.

I wiped off the tears on his face, scrambling to explain myself. "Baby, it's not what you think it is. Ben was being all creepy and forcing me to name a person present there. I didn't know anyone else and I really didn't want to say Ben's name. He was weirding me out, and Ryan gave me permission to use his name to get out of it. That's it. I never had any feelings for him."

Finn looked up, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Really?"

I wanted to kill Ben. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Yes darling, really."

He frowned again. "But you didn't come for me. You were with Ryan. You didn't pick up my calls either."

I shook my head. "My love, I tried to walk here. My phone died and I was lost. I spent ages trying to find my way, and Ryan happened to pass by. He dropped me off here, and took a picture laughing at my stupidity. I was so worried about you, and I was only focused on trying to reach you."

I assumed Ryan posted it and Finn must've seen it. I slowly realised how bad it looked from his point of view.

Finn got up suddenly and wrapped his arms around me. "So you love me?" He asked in a small voice.

"Yes, Finn. I love you. So, so much. Only you. Not Ryan, not anybody."

I made sure he was looking into my eyes as I emphasized my next words. "And you're always my first choice, Finn. I didn't 'settle' for you. I am so lucky to have you. You're everything I've wanted."

He finally broke into a smile and dropped his head onto my shoulder, sighing softly.

"I'm glad."

I stroked his hair in what I hoped was a soothing way. "Let's get home?"

He nodded against my shoulder before getting up, pulling me along with him. We reached home quickly, and I took him up to my room since mom wasn't home anyway.

I needed to fix things.

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