New Horizons

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((We are back and whoo boi my poor brain. Enjoy!))

Lucifer sighed as he noticed Alastors' ears twitch slightly after talking to the human. Babysitting a sinner let alone an overlord was not something he Wanted to do, but unfortunately he was stuck with Alastor until his deal with this annoying human was finished. The angel clapped his hands together loudly to interrupt the two fast friends chatting right in front of him. "Well we should probably wait until the morning to get a move on!" He snapped his fingers as he walked around the small cabin. With each snap of his fingers the cabin changed, becoming a beautiful version of itself. Lastly, he put a veil around the cabin and some of the woods around it this way nothing would disrupt their plans from moving smoothly. After he was finished, he stretched his arms up above his head and mimicked a yawn. "Time for bed duckies~" Lucifer did one final snap of his fingers to put the human to sleep on top of a couch. Now that the human was asleep the angel turned towards Alastor. "Why would you do something as stupid as this? You have no idea how this world works in this modern age." He watched as Alastor cocked his head to the side, his grin narrowing slightly and his ears flicking in annoyance. 

Alastor looked at the short angel in front of him, scolding him like a child? Now this was something Alastor couldn't stand, his temper was ticking like a time bomb. He was right as much as the Radio Demon hated to admit it, he didn't think he would get this far. Lucifer was walking towards the demon before poking him in the chest "You hear me Alastor!? You are to stay by me for this entire deal, got it?"    How dare he? An order to me? Haha as if he was going to let that happen. With a static humming in the air, Alastor glared at Lucifer before he leaned towards Lucifer to be at eye level with the King. "What? Do you need my help to find some measly humans, your Majesty?" The radio demon hissed out the last word, their faces a couple of inches apart. Then something happened that he didn't expect, the King seemed to look nervous, just for a split second a dust of color covering his face, before it left as quickly as it appeared. "A-Alastor if you don't get that shit eating grin out of face I swear by the nine hells I will hurt you." Alastor could feel the heat emanating off of the small angel as he fumbled his words in frustration. 

Oh this was fun. This was a whole different reaction from the angel than what he was used to seeing. A new world of possibilities and ways to see the King in a weak state? There was no way he would let Lucifer get away with hiding that weakness. 

Alastor chuckled at Lucifer before he moved a hand foreword and grazed his hand across Lucifer's cheek. The angel's eyes went wide, the light dust of color coming back with a vengeance as it filled his face. Alastor could feel something in his mind turn as he admired the sight in front of him with wicked victory, his grin becoming manic. Lucifer swatted Alastor's hand away before turning away from the demon and walking himself to a free seat. "Don't forget my warning. When morning comes we are going into the human world and if you get in my way I will make sure you can't leave this cabin until we leave the human realm." Alastor straightened himself out before moving to the other available couch in the room. "Of course your Majesty, I'll be on my Best Behavior~" 

After that retort the night passed uneventfully into the day.

The light of the sun shinned brightly into the cabin as all three men were still calmly sleeping. Lucifer was the first to wake, followed very closely by Alastor. The small angel stretched his arms and back before admiring the light of the sun filling the room. It had been a long time since he was last in the human realm, the sun being one of his favorite things about being on earth. It almost felt like when he was in heaven, a feeling of warmth and comfort, one he could never find again. He sighed as he thought about his past, his chest tightening as images of heaven flooded his mind. The sounds of light jazz filled the cabin, bringing Lucifer back to the room he was stood in, turning to find the source of the music was Alastor himself. "Well, someone's in a good mood. Have fun sleeping in a random persons couch?" Lucifer said with as much sarcasm he could muster as he pushed the depressive thoughts to the back of his mind. He can't focus on stuff like that now. Not with this shitass overlord watching his every move. The last one to wake up was the small human man. He jolted awake at the noise from the two bickering and practically fell out of the couch he was place into the night before. "When did I fall asleep? Actually, I'd rather not know." He picked himself off the floor and smoothed out his hair. "I have to get to work but, I look foreword to seeing our first guest~" The man said with glee before quickly bustling out of the cabin, leaving the other two confused and irritated. Lucifer huffed a breath forcefully out of his chest before regaining his composure. " Well I guess he's got better things to do? We should get going to get this over with" With a snap of his fingers all of Lucifer's demonic traits disappeared, the yellow tinge of his eyes washing white, his red eyes changing to a striking blue, and his skin gaining a pale pink hue. His clothing shifted to a white dress shirt, adorning it with a long white blazer with red accents, his pants stayed as dark black linen pants tucked into knee high boots with a slight heel. The angel now took the appearance of a handsome, frail human man, not a day over 30. Lucifer fixed the sleeves on his jacket as he turned to Alastor. "What, can't pull this trick off now can you~" He puffed his chest out in victory as he knew this was something the sinner couldn't hope to achieve.

Alastor was taken aback at the sight of Lucifer in all of his human glory. It was stunning, no it was disturbing how beautiful the angel looked. Alastor hummed, now slightly hungry as he looked at the small and frail Lucifer in front of him. He pushed that away from his thoughts as he heard Lucifer taunt him with a smug look on his face. Alastor tapped his cane with his nails in annoyance. This was indeed something he couldn't do no matter how hard he tried. The radio demon glared at the small angel, " Well it seems you win this time Luci~" he said as he placed a hand on Lucifer's head, patting it like one would a small child. He looked over Lucifer's face as it flashed between a light blush and anger before settling on indifference. "So what do you propose we do here, my king?" A static hummed through the air as he waited for the kings' response. "Well Al, let's get you dressed up for your new debut into the human world!" Lucifer said this triumphantly as he snapped his fingers. In similar fashion Alastor's demonic traits dissipated, the red of his eyes washed to white as the red of his eyes darkened to a coffee brown, and his skin shifting to a light brown. His hair kept its style, the fluffy ears disappearing, the red of his hair changing to a dark red brown color keeping the black tips. His clothing changed to a black dress shirt, adorned with a stripped burgundy blazer with white accents, his pants stayed a charcoal black. His hooves turning into ankle high boots with the signature deer texture on the underside and a small heel. The demon now took the appearance of a dashing tall man, looking to be in his twenties. 

Lucifer eyed Alastor up and down, admiring his handiwork. "You clean up rather nicely for a lowly sinner~" he said smugly before heading towards the door. Pulling the large wooden door open, the sunlight poured through the entrance. The smell of moss and woods wafted around, small animals scurrying about in the woods. Lucifer turned towards Alastor, the demon examining his attire and body. "Now, let's get this over with Al~" Alastor walked to the angel before the two walked out into the bright forest ahead of them.

((This chapter turned out to be a little longer than I was expecting! What do we think of our human Lucifer and Alastor? Stay tuned for their first objective!))   


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