Fears 🔪ིྀ

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MASONS BIGGEST FEAR: Losing Y/n and Spiders


I cant sleep, I tried everything. I check the clock. 2:43 am I groan and Mason snores.Mason sleeps funny, not in a bad way more like weird, He sleep talks .

"Y/n" He mumbles and hugs me "Mason boy what" I whisper qnd he holds me "Y/n stop it please" he groans and i record him.

"Oh y/n. i love you so much" He whispers and turns over , "No please dont go" he whines "Noo" He says and turns over again.

"Mase?" I whisper and he goes back to snoring. "Mason thames" I say and he snores once more "Y/n your back" He says and kisses the back of my head "Boy" I look at him and he hugs me "I missed you" He smiles and i chuckle "Oh i love you so much" He snores "Mason" i nudge him and he snores again.

゚。 time skip <3

4:37am, I finally fell asleep, Till mason jolted up, I look up and he starts his panic attack "Mason?" I ask and he holds me "Y/n" He says and starts to cry "Whats wrong my love" I wipe his tears "Just a bad dream" He mumbles and I turn on the lamp.

He squints and looks at me, his eyes are red "Mason come here" I open my arms and he crawls into them. I play with his soft curls (my dream is to feel his hair 💀) He sniffs and i wipe his tears "Shh, your parents are sleeping"  I whisper and he nods "Im right here, no need to cry" I kiss his forehead and he snuggles into my chest.

"Can you tell me what the dream was about?" I pet him like a dog and he nods "You broke up with me" He sobs more and louder. I hear the floorboards creek, I layback down and he snuggles into my chest some more.

The door opens "Whats going on here?" Masons dad says and i look up "Hm?" I yawn and Mason pretends to be asleep "Oh sorry" He whispers. I lay back down and cradle masons head "Shh, im right here i will never leave you" I kiss his forehead. "My biggest fear is losing you" He whisper and i smile, He truly loves me.

"Oh and Spiders" He chuckles as silent as possible. "Of course" I fall asleep.




Mason and I were having a movie night, he chose some random horror movie. I was hiding in his chest "Baby its not even that scary" He scoffs and looks down "Its super scary, this can actually happen" I say and he sighs. The wind picks up, it rains harder. the night sky with no stars.

"Y/n look up" He graba my chin and forces me to look up, "its not that scary" He smiles and i shake my head. The little girl on tv says in her creepy, grinning face "Im coming for you."

The power shuts off"

I scream, Mason puts his hand over my mouth "Sh, my dad is sleeping" He says. He gets up to check the lights "Yup its off" Mason flips the switch on and off. "Mason im scared" I whisper and he climbs back on the couch "Im right here no need to be scared" He rubs my thigh and lighting strikes, I jump and mason gets up.

"Dont go" I whine and he looks back "Im getting us a few candles and a Blanket" He smiles "Can you get snacks" I ask. he nods and his curls bounce when he jogs to the kitchen.

Mason comes back in about 12 minutes. "Here" he turns on the candle with the lighter. The flame dances. Its so memorizing, He lays the blanket on top of us and hands me the bag of chips "Im right here no need to be scared" He kisses me.

゚。 1 hour later


Y/n is terrified, she starts to cry when the thunder gets louder "Im here"'I reassure her. "Why cant we just wake up your dad and ask him to turn the lights back on?" she says and looks up. My dad would kill me if he knows im up with y/n at this time.

"I can turn it on myself" I say and she furrows her eyebrows "Really?" She  sounds shocked "can i come with you?" She smiles "mhm"I get up and she follows me.

I put on my jacket, "Can i have your hoodie" she begs and shivers. I sigh and take off my hoodie, she smells it and puts it on. "Put the hood up" I stand behind her and put it over her eyes "Ha!" I chuckle and she smiles.

I walk outside, its pouring "Hold my hand or you might fly away" I tease her and she playfully rolls her eyes "Meanie" she scoffs and grips on to my arm.

We walk around the house and find the box. I start to flip switchs, the house stays dark "Maybe we should just go to bed" i look down and y/n nose and cheek are pink. Shes so cute when shes cold.

I carry her inside (Bridal style) and place her down. I take off my jacket "Can i keep it on, its so comfy" She smiles and i nod "Come on lets go to bed" I clean up the mess the in living while she finds some pajamas.

She comes out in a tank top and my blue pajamas pants. They are a bit big on her besides the shirt and she slips into my hoodie.

I lay on my bed and she cuddles close, i turn off the candle and she moves closer to me. I move the hair away from my face and she blushes, even in the darkness i can still see her soft eyes and her light pink cheeks."Love you" I whisper and kiss her on the lips "Love you more" She lays on top of me and we fall asleep.


I wale up "WHOS THERE" Mason dad. opens the door and mason gets up "dad?" He rubs his eyes "Why are the lights off?!" He yells, Mason covers my ears because his voice is booming against my ears "The power shut off dad, go back to bed" Mason say's sleepily "Whos that" His dad points the flash light at me and i squint. "Its y/n the rain was to much and she had to stay here" Mason groan. "Oh sorry y/n" he says softly "good night son" His dad closes the door and i dift back to sleep



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