Chapter 5 (Hongjoong pov)

Start from the beginning

"Hey! You're laughing, it's (hiccup) not funny!" Seonghwa pouts, his hands on either side of him while he sits on his butt with his legs stretched out in front of him like a child. Honestly I would have taken a picture if it was one of my friends, but I had to be serious.

So, he gets kind of childish when he's drunk, good to know I guess?

"No no, I wasn't laughing at you, you're just cute-" I freeze and my eyes go wide as I realize what I had just said. I try to pretend like I hadn't said anything hoping that he was drunk enough he didn't hear

"Um, let's get you up.." Clearing my throat I grab Seonghwa's two arms and pull him up onto his feet with a bit of struggle. I mean sure, I went to the gym, but like, I wasn't that strong, plus, I was pretty short.

I take a deep breath before saying anything else, making sure I was more careful when speaking to him. Reaching down to grab my bag of food I start walking towards the elevator and look behind me to see Seonghwa just standing there, not having moved.

"Seonghwa, come on, let's go."

The black haired boy just kinda stood there. I sigh.

"Are you okay? What is Seonghwa?" I say as softly as possible and walk back towards him. Instead of saying anything he just looks down and takes my hand, wrapping his long fingers around my own four fingers like a little child. My eyes widen as I stare down at our hands.

"Seonghwa what are you doing?"

"Going back home" The taller boy answers as he starts walking forwards to the elevator and pulls me with him. I almost trip as he drags me forwards towards the elevator and I'm slow to catch up since my legs are much shorter than his. I'm needing to walk twice as fast just to keep up with him. The whole time we walked towards the elevator (Which really only took like 30 seconds) I was looking down at his hand hugging my fingers, I mean sure it wasn't like he was properly holding my hand but WE WERE STILL TOUCHING!

The walk down the hallway felt like an eternity and I was so distracted in my own thoughts I hadn't even noticed Seonghwa letting go of my hand and walking inside the elevator. I quickly walk forward into the elevator and press floor 8.

"What's your room number?"


"Ooh. okay" So that's why he thought that my dorm was his, because they both ended with 9's. As the finicky old elevator jolts to a stop, the elevator doors that were in much need of oil, open up. I turned back to Seonghwa making sure he was following as I walked out of the elevator. Quickly reaching over and holding him by the waist, I steady him before he has a chance to fully stumble but quickly let go of him just as fast as I caught him.

"Be careful!"

The one thing that I hated about this whole situation is it felt like it had been 2 hours since I had first seen him lying down at my doorstep even though it had only been a few minutes or so.

"It's here" Seonghwa mumbles as he stops at a door that reads in big black numbers "229"

I watch as the black haired boy digs into his jean pocket for his keys and reaches his thin hand with long beautiful fingers- Hongjoong snap out of it! Stop looking at his hands! I watch as he reaches his hand out and unlocks the door.

"Well, make sure your roommate helps you out, I guess" I say, the words coming out way more awkward sounding then I wanted it to.

"My uh.. My roommate (hiccup) isn't here, he's at a party" At least this time when Seonghwa spoke he didn't sound as wasted, but his words were still very slurred and incoherent.

"..Well I can't leave you alone when you're like this, so, do you mind if I come in for a bit? I can stay with you while we wait for your roommate to get back." I really hoped he would accept the offer since I didn't want him alone in his dorm while he was, this, out of it.. But, I wouldn't just force myself into his home either.

Seonghwa just kind of stood there seeming unsure of what to say.

"I don't think he's going to be back till tomorrow morning" Seonghwa slurs but it was clear he felt weird saying this which made me realize he meant his roommate was probably some girl.

"I guess you could (hiccup) stay" I stare at the door wondering if this was a good idea. It seemed like he needed it though. At the moment it didn't even seem like he would be capable of getting changed on his own. Turning my head away to chuckle at the latters hiccups, I nod.

"Okay, I'll come in for a bit. Just to make sure you sober up a bit" I say nodding. It felt like I was saying the last line more for myself to make sure I didn't overstay my welcome, plus, he was drunk, I needed to be careful with him, and he looked so precious and fragile and cute and- Hongjoong, again, stop thinking of him that way!

Seonghwa let the door swing open, all the lights were off so I couldn't see much but the apartments seemed pretty tidy, for the most part. I wait for Seonghwa to walk in so that I could follow suit. The lights flick on and I look around the apartment. Obviously, it had the same layout as my dorm but it had its own vibe to it. The apartment felt more homie and lived in then mine and San's. There seemed to be a recurring theme of red around the whole apartment which was... different. Red throw blanket on the brown leather couch, red pillows on the leather armchair, red dish towels in the kitchen. I stand in the doorway clearing my throat as I look at Seonghwa lazily kicking off his black combat boots. Next to his splayed out boots I take my own off, setting them neatly next to the other next to his and taking my coat off and just throwing it over my boots.

"Do you have any Advil?" I ask, looking at Seonghwa expectantly as he flops down onto the couch.

"In the bathroom, top shelf, I can get it-"

"No it's fine I'll get it" I say walking over to him and putting my hand lightly on his shoulder to stop him from getting up and he kind of abruptly fumbled back onto the couch making it seem like I had pushed him but I know that he was just wobbly from the alcohol. Walking over to his bathroom (since the layout was the same i knew where it was) I open the cupboard and scan for a tiny red and white box, once I spotted it, I reached in being careful not to knock anything else over while grabbing it then turning back around and turning the bathroom light off while walking out and back towards the main area of the dorm. Walking towards the kitchen I grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it up from the tap. The whole time I could feel Seonghwa's eyes on me which was making me feel a bit anxious and I almost dropped the Advil box as I spun back around towards the couch where Seonghwa was still sitting, and yup, I was right, staring right at me.

[At my doorstep] Seongjoong fanficWhere stories live. Discover now