Book Three-12

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By the end of June, Yuki had placed out to the public the songs that she had written about the heart break and lack of trust she had in males her age. Also by the end of the month Shinning had been called saying that the three night time rides were finally up to code and the group of six would be able to ride them safely now. So Yuki chose to fly to the amusement park while the others walked, when they met up with Yuki-she saw that Kana was with them and smiled at the brunette female.

"Afternoon Miss Kana. I see you're still around Sumeragi."

"Thanks to your advice to him to talk to me, he and I are alright now. But I work for my father once more. He isn't happy about the situation at hand but I was told that I could hang around and be another person to promote the three night rides." Kana said with a smile

"Well I'm happy to have another girl accompany us." Yuki said happily

The lot of them were let in and escorted to the secluded area once more where they were to test out the night time rides. When they got there, Raging was there with a brunette elder male she hadn't seen before. "Hello to all of you, my name is Santos Kyo. The CEO of Santos co. And the sponsor for the three rides the lot of you will be testing out tonight. The groups were supposed to be split between afternoon and night time to see the difference. But due to now an odd number one of you will have to ride twice."

Yuki stepped forward and bowed her head towards the elder male. "I'm Asaya Yuki, I will gladly volunteer sir."

"Ahn, I've heard of you miss Asaya. I will allow it. It has come to my attention that you were the one that saved the idols when it was sabotaged yes?"

"Yes sir."

"I want to thank you for your quick thinking. Had it not been for what you had done, a lot of people would have been severely harmed or worse killed by that good for nothing male that did what he had." Kyo said sincerely to her

She nodded her head. "I did go to UA sir, Even though I am not pursuing being a hero. I still have the instincts to be one as well as a license that shows that I am a hero if I ever change my mind."

"Good to hear that you are prepared for any type of situation." Kyo said before Raging spoke up.

"For the afternoon run it will be Kurosaki, Kiryuin and Santos. The evening run will be Jinguji, Hijirikawa, and Sumeragi. There is no switching anything out." 

Yuki narrowed her eyes at the elder male. "why are you splitting apart Kana and sumeragi? What do you have against the two of them being together?"

Raging had no answer for her, she took two of her large feathers from her wings and placed them up against the males throat. "If you do not have the 'no dating' rule that shinning has for your idols I see no reason why the two of them can't publicly state that they are together. I've seen what the two of them can do together. They are both talented in their own right, if you do not allow the couple to be together then I will personally ask Shining to stop working with you for being a sexist pig." She said narrowing her eyes at the male

"Like you'd actually have that type of leverage with him." Raging said with a scoff

"Actually, she does. Those of us who worked with her already have asked Shining about what type of contract she has with him. Her contract is completely different than ours. Shinning had personally sought her out, he wants to keep her in Shining agency. If she feels uncomfortable at all with anything, he is willing to accommodate for her sake to keep her under label. So if she tells him that she feels uncomfortable with working with HEAVENS, This nonsense will crumble and be for not." Ranmaru said with his arms crossed

Raging scoffed out as he averted his eyes. "I hate the two of them are together, their relationship has brought too much attention on him instead of the others."

"And whose fault is that? From what I've seen you haven't done anything to make your sons or the others shine more than Sumeragi and Kana has! You only have yourself to blame for that! They may be a cute couple that has gotten a lot of traction but that doesn't mean that you need to throw them to the trash because of envy. No one ever looks good in that type of color...Sir." Yuki spoke coldly

While Yuki spoke with Raging, Kana was holding onto Kira's arm tightly as she was stunned to hear just what Yuki said to the elder male. Not even she had the back bone to say what Yuki had. Raging let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll cave. Santos and Jinguji will switch places."

Yuki placed her feathers back and smiled at the male. "Thank you."

She then turned to look at Kana and Kira. "I truly believe you two are a cute couple and I'll do what I can while I work with the two of you to keep the two of you together." Yuki said with a smile

Kana went up to Yuki and hugged the younger female tightly. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course. You seem like a sweet woman Kana. I'd like to see what the two of you can do together with my own eyes." Yuki said as she hugged the elder female back. 

The first ride that was tested was the roller coaster that almost killed the boys and her. Yuki first flew around it to see the changes before she mentally prepared herself for what would happen. She dropped her feathers by Kyo so they wouldn't get in the way before she went into the back like she had before. The ride wasn't as fast as it was at night time. Once the ride ended Yuki had to get off of it and throw up in a trashcan near by. Ren went up to her and rubbed her back.

"Did you get too dizzy kid?"

"M-Mhm...T-too many loops." She spoke weakly

"You'll be alright, we have two more to test out kiddo. Hang tight."

"O-Okay senpai."

The second ride was a swinging Yoyo type ride. That ride wasn't too bad, she enjoyed the breeze in her hair and on her skin. She didn't feel as bad as she had with the roller coaster. The last ride was indoor ride. They were placed in different places to balance out the weight before the ride started up. It first went forward for five minutes before it stopped and went backward for another five minutes. Afterwards Yuki left out and she leaned herself up against a nearby tree as she held her head. Kana went up to her concerned. "You okay kid?"

"S-So dizzy."

"I'm sorry to hear that dearie. But was it at least fun?"

"Kinda? I didn't mind the music or the darkness to a point since there was little lights everywhere. I just didn't like when the ride went backwards."

"Oh oof, wait do you have motion anxiety by chance?"

She nodded her head. "As well as social anxiety."

"Ahn...gotcha. That would explain it. Well you did rather well kiddo. Well done."

"T-Thank you Kana senpai."

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