Veneer cooed at all the kittens. He wished he could take all of them. He gasped once he found an orange cat. He picked it up and smiled. "Baby, I want this one. It's absolutely adorable like you," Veneer said while smiling. Kid Ritz laughed and pet the kitten. "Aw! You're a cute little guy, huh?" Ritz asked while laughing a little. The kitten pushed Ritz's hand away and curled up in Veneer's arms.

The two decided to but the orange kitten. Their other cat was a black, female cat. She was very sassy yet very clingy to Veneer. She loved Ritz though. She would give him little kisses every time she saw him. Ritz opened the door for Veneer and the new kitten. Veneer brought the kitten to the couch while holding it closely. He kept cooing about how sweet and adorable their new kitten was.

Violet, their black cat absolutely hated the new kitten at first. She quickly warmed up to him since she's always wanted a friend to play with. She gave the kitten multiple kisses a day. Violet wasn't too much older than their new kitten. The two started playing after a few weeks of getting to know the new kitten, Sparkles. The reason behind his name was pretty funny. Veneer named him that because he would randomly space out and his eyes would almost sparkle. Sparkles was a silly kitten.

Remi patted Veneer's shoulder and pointed to a picture. Veneer stared at it for a moment. "What in the hell is that...Is that's a long rat?" Veneer asked. Remi smiled and shook his head. "It's a ferret. Remi wants a few ferrets," Vivian replied while she popped in. Veneer jumped and dropped the hot pan on his foot. Veneer had silent tears running down his face. He picked the pan up and turned the stove off.

Vivian drove the family to the hospital for a little check up to make sure the burn wouldn't get infected or anything. Vivian parked the car and got out. Ritz helped Veneer out the car. They got inside and they waited for their turn to go into the back.

Veneer was fine once they check out the burn. It was a pretty serious burn though. He had to put ointments on it to help it heal. Veneer didn't mind that. It just hurt a lot when he did. He was sent home but out on bedrest for about 2 weeks. He had to explain to his manager, which was very understanding. Veneer would still get paid, even though he wouldn't be working for a bit.

Vivian spent the night at Lillian's house while Remi stayed with a close friend of his. Vivian was the only one that knew he was dating. He was with a good friend of his, Gabriel. He was always super happy to have Remi over at his house. The two would kiss and cuddle in Gabriel's room. Remi loved receiving a lot of attention from his boyfriend. Remi never really talked much. Gabriel was definitely a talker. He could make everyone laugh, no matter how sad or upset they were. That was one thing that Remi loved about him. Gabriel was kind of a class clown but always did his best in school.

Ritz and Veneer were having a night of romance. They hadn't been able to have intimacy in a short while because school recently started again. They were able to finally have intimacy since the twins decided to spend the night with their friends and family.

Veneer kissed Ritz's neck and snuggled up close to him. He sighed softly and played with his hair a little. "Aw, sweetie. You did such an amazing job for me tonight," Veneer praised as he gently nipped on his neck. Ritz smiled and rolled over once Veneer took a little break from kissing his neck. "Heh. I did?" Ritz playfully asked. "Mhm! You did everything I asked and you used the safe word. I'm so proud of you, honey," Veneer whispered as he hugged his husband. Ritz smiled and hugged him back. "Yeah...It just got a little too intense. I'm glad you're not upset with me," Ritz mumbled while sighing softly. "Aw, baby. I could never be mad at you for using the safe word. We have it for a reason," Veneer replied while gently kissing his forehead. Ritz sniffled and smiled.

Veneer hummed softly as he bathed his sleepy husband. Ritz was extremely sore from their fun time last night. Next time, Veneer will be a little more gentle. Veneer kissed his forehead as he wrapped him up in a towel. "Aw, baby. You're so cute!" Veneer cooed. Ritz just smiled and laughed. "I'm not cute," Ritz huffed as he crossed his arms. Ritz was trying not to laugh. Veneer gasped dramatically and gently grabbed his face. "You're the sexiest man that I have ever got the chance to fuck. You're my perfect husband," Veneer replied as he somewhat roughly kissed Ritz. Ritz flinched a little as Veneer pulled away. "Aw, baby. Did I hurt your lips too?" Veneer softly asked. "A-A little," Ritz mumbled softly as he looked away. Veneer smiled and kissed his cheek.

Veneer decided to give Ritz a nice, relaxing massage. Ritz definitely needed it after their rough intimacy. Ritz loved feeling Veneer's hands all over his body. It made him feel even more comfortable.

Vivian and Remi were on the way home. Vivian stared at him and gasped. "Is that a fucking hickey? When did this shit happen? Did you and Gabriel fuck?" Vivian asked. Remi flushed bright red and looked away. He shook his head as Vivian scoffed in disbelief. Vivian questioned him the whole way home. Vivian didn't tell their dads since they would get upset...Well, mostly Veneer.

Veneer came out of their room and noticed the kids sitting in the living room. He smiled and gave them a quick kiss and hug before running to the store. Ritz needed something small to help with the pain in his lower back and stuff.

Ritz was exited when Veneer came back home about 45 minutes later. Veneer went to finish giving his husband some aftercare. Veneer always loved aftercare. He loved seeing his husband all shy and a little flustered. Ritz was still kind of nervous for aftercare though. Ritz loved getting aftercare, but it was still a little weird.

The four of them decided to watch a movie for the night. Vivian was the first one to fall asleep. Ritz and Remi were the only two able to stay awake. The two never got that much sleep anyway. Ritz and Remi decided to sleep with Veneer and Vivian. Eventually, the last two finally went to sleep.

This is the finale!! I know it's not the best ending but I literally had no motivation to write this😭😭 I wanted to finish this book though. I'm sorry it had to end guys! I had so much fun writing this though. I'll work on the other two fanfics too!!

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