Leaning forward, Heizou's voice was quiet, careful to not alarm the already anxious customers; They were already worried about their own responsibilities, Heizou didn't think that adding another worry would do well for the mental stability of society. "You– What are you doing here!?" The criminal, now barista, had instinctively leaned backwards at the sudden action, a flustered smile appearing as they tried pushing his face away from theirs. "Sir, you haven't taken me out on a date yet!" (Their teasing remark was ignored, unfortunately. The unamused stare from Heizou prompted them to answer his questions for once.)

  "I'm working, of course! So, may I take your order now?" They replied so cheerfully and confidently, Heizou had wondered if he accidentally transported into another alternative universe where they were actually a barista. But alas, Name was just absurdly insane.

  "If you hold up the line any longer, we might have to move you aside!" They recalled, pointing towards the long line behind the detective. He didn't even realize that there were people behind him, too bothered by the fact that a literal criminal is working in a cafe, where everyone is either too busy to care or are plain oblivious to it. "If you wanna flirt, please do it after my shift."

  Before he knew it, he was pushed to the side, watching others order a drink from the number one criminal of Teyvat. He did try to intervene, but it was as if there was a stone wall between them, and Heizou couldn't do anything but wait patiently for his turn. Yet every single time it was finally his turn, he tried to apprehend Name, only to have his efforts be rendered futile as his goal gets obstructed over and over again.

"Name, I'll give you some dignity. Go to the back. You're under arr-"

"Please keep your scandalous requests after their shift, sir. I need my coffee."

"Name, you're under arrest fo-"

"Sorry, sir. Name is currently making a drink. May I take your order instead?"


"Sorry! Coming through! You don't mind if I order first, right? Right, so can I get a–"

  Sighing, Heizou sits defeated on his chair. Fine. If the universe wants him to feel miserable, he will. Instead of crushing his enemies' hopes of escaping justice, it felt as if his hopes of ever catching them was crushed. Although he would usually get back up, knowing that every moment he rests on the clock means a moment more for an escaped convict, the detective couldn't help the disappointed feeling of failure in his chest.

  "You look like you need this more than I do." He hears, but he didn't even try to raise his head, too busy moping around to even care. "Wanna talk about it?"

  "I'm trying to catch this one criminal," he begins, and he would've wondered why he was spilling his heart out to a random stranger in a cafe during his work break if he was mentally fine enough; Maybe Name's irrationality is rubbing off on him. "But no matter what I do, they always seem to get away." The detective brushes his hair back with his hand, feet tapping anxiously as he recalls every single moment where Name had escaped from his grasp. "Usually I'm excited to solve things like these, but it does get frustrating at times."

  The stranger nods, pushing the drink towards Heizou, which he graciously accepts with a small sip. "Don't worry, Shikanoin. Maybe you'll succeed one day." The bitterness of coffee spreads across his taste buds, the sweetness a delightful switch to his mood; the small encouragement given by the kind stranger making it even more delightful. "If it helps, you can pretend that I'm the criminal and cuff me!"

  He chuckles at the offer, taking another sip of his drink. At least he still managed to get a drink, as well as talk with a nice per- Wait.


  His eyes immediately snapped open, turning his head to see Name sitting next to him with a smile. With a trained reflex; as if he had spent his entire life training for this exact moment, he took out a pair of handcuffs and locked their hands together, which was already being offered so perfectly for him. He pauses, questioning his victory, the satisfaction of finally winning in this battle slowly bubbling within, threatening to burst and destroy his heart. Is this finally it? The late-nights and random chase scenes? The awful flirtatious remarks and teasing actions? The thrilling mysteries and exhilarating work?

  "Ah, you smiled! I guess it did help, huh?" Name says, unmoving from their position as they looked at the link between their wrists. The people around them remained oblivious, uncaring to the quiet cheering of the detective and the nonchalant criminal sitting across from him, looking at him with a fondness in their eyes. 'Urgh, those couples'; maybe that's what they thought. Even so, Name couldn't care less, too focused with the warm feeling in their chest as the detective stared at their wrists with a bright smile. It almost made them feel bad about what they were about to do.


  Standing up from their chair, Name turned around to leave, cuffs still locked on their wrists. Heizou, who was still in disbelief over his sudden accomplishment, noticed a second too late, but it was more than enough for Name to escape; leaving only a number which sends Heizou into listening to an out of tune recorder and the sweet cup of coffee in his hands.

  However, despite facing another failure, Heizou didn't seem to find that bitterness in his chest. That victory wasn't as satisfying as he wanted it to be, anyways.


Written on: 13 march 2024.

(1552 words)

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