The bell rings, signaling the end of class, and everyone starts gathering their things and hand in their papers. Just as I'm about to leave, I hear someone call my name. It's Ms. Anderson.

"Emily, could I talk to you?" she says. I turn around and reply, "Of course, what is it?"

With narrowed eyes, she asks, "What were you writing on that other paper?"

"I was writing poetry." I smile trying to stay calm as she approaches and leans against the desk, crossing her arms.

Then, she playfully asks, "Was the poetry about my ass?" I'm caught off guard and don't know how to respond, but I manage to say, "No, obviously not."

With a smirk, she suggests, "Maybe try not to stare so much. You wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Right." She responds, standing up straight again and turning away. "You're dismissed."

I really thought she was going to talk about the book I gave her yesterday or at least acknowledge the fact that she's met me before. But nope, and honestly, I don't really mind, I kinda find her attitude attractive.

• • •

The day went slow, but I enjoyed being back. I'm walking back to my locker to take some things home with me and leave the rest here.

At the parking lot, I unlock my car and toss my bag on the backseat. As I'm glancing around, I notice Ms. Anderson struggling with her car. She was popping open the hood just as I'm approaching her.

"Everything okay?" I ask, as Ms. Anderson inspects the engine.

"Yeah, just dealing with this old car that only works when it feels like it," Ms. Anderson says annoyed, briefly looking up before returning her attention to the engine.

"I can give you a ride home," I say, sounding a bit unsure. "Sorry if that's weird..."

"No, actually, that would be great," Ms. Anderson cuts me off and smiled. Clearly a forced smile, but whatever.

"Awesome. My car is parked over there," I'm pointing to a black pick-up. Technically, it's my dad's car, but I use it too.

Once we're both in the car, I aks for directions and start driving.

"So... are you enjoying the book?" I ask unsure, trying to make small talk. She looks at me and sighs. "I'm sorry, we don't have to talk-"

"No it's fine. Yeah I'm enjoying it, even though I'm not that far yet. Had to take care of my niece yesterday."

"I thought the little girl was your daughter. She looks a lot like you." I smile, looking at her before adverting my eyes back on the road.

"Oh god no. I don't ever wanna have kids of my own. The thought alone makes me sick. She the only kid I can handle." She explains and I feel her staring at me. Before I could think too much about it, we arrive at her house. It's a nice place to live, and the house itself is absolutely beautiful. I hadn't expected this when I saw her car earlier.

Ms. AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now