She tried to look away from the gaping space where the boy's left arm ought to have been. There was a poorly bandaged green and yellow spotted cloth covering the wound on his shoulder. Viserra knew that pheasant folk's lives were arduous and rough but she did not expect to see such horror in children too. 

Viserra suddenly felt nauseous but quelled it down. How could she be so selfish. All those nights she cried and cut herself wallowing in her own baseless misery while children younger than her were suffering so. 

"Pyp, why don't you come and help me read to your other friends" she suggested, trying to invoke any bit of excitement into her voice. 

"What a wondrous idea!" the septa said in a shrill voice. 

Viserra smiled and held the boy's remaining hand gently pulling him towards the center of the makeshift stage. 

Viserra sat on a low stool taking Pyp onto his lap. The other children excitedly whispered among themselves. It had been so many years since a Targaryen princess had interacted with Flea Bottom. Likely not since the days of Queen Alyssane.

Pyp whimpered clutching her hair in one hand putting his face onto her shoulder. Viserra stroked the back of his head with one hand and opened the first page of the book with her other. Soon she raised her voice so they all could hear her. 

"In the year one AC, Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys landed upon the shores of what we now call King's Landing..."

After she'd finished Viserra insisted on meeting with every single child there. There were about sixty or so, so she knew it'd take a long time. 

Aemond came beside her once more, they spoke briefly about all this. Viserra was rather upset when her grandfather told her that Aegon needed to be at the forefront of all this. Why should her wasted, drunk of a brother get to take credit for her work. She'd been planning this for years and all Aegon did was lounge around outside while she toiled for the Realm. But she'd bitten her tongue and accepted it as it was. If Aegon was to be king he needed the favor of the Small Folk. 

"This may take awhile Aemond. You can go if you like." she said breezily. Every time she spoke to Aemond her mind drifted back to that day in the library. Her and him, being so close like that. It felt sinful yet sweet. 

"I will not leave until you do" Aemond said firmly. He looked exceptionally handsome today. A dark leather coat that was near black, but if one looked closely which Viserra did, they could tell it was actually a very deep green. 

"They want me to meet all the children" she said in a small voice. 

"Do you not wish to?" Aemond "Viserra say the word and we can stop this, head home.". He sounded so sincere it made Viserra smile. 

"It's not that. I...these children have suffered so much. It hurts to see it. I'm to ashamed to meet their eyes." she admitted. 

He placed a hand on her wrist, drawing her gaze to his remaining eye "You are not responsible for their suffering Viserra. If anything you're lifting their spirits from their mundane lives.". 

"We are their overlords, their suffering should have been our first priority. Not silly tourney's and balls. We are complicit in this city's decrepitude.". Viserra said. She watched little Pyp laugh excitedly with his friends. He was so happy. Such a sweet and innocent child. 

"It's fine I shall continue." she stated turning away and instead walking to the septa who'd welcomes her earlier. 

"Sorry for the commotion princess. When the rest o' the city heard one of you Targaryen girls came to see the children they wanted to see too.". 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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