Pre-written tracks

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"Hey guys I've decided that seeing as my throat is sore I'll play some songs I wrote" Kirishima read aloud as Izuku wrote what he wants to say down.

"Well then let's get started with the first song" Kirishima read aloud "Hollow?" he asks but when he looks at Izuku the greenhead just nods.

"Well here you have it Hollow" Kirishima said as if he was a t.v. show host.

"Well here's the next song breathe" Kirishima said as he got straight into the next song.

"And now for the third song Heroes are calling" Kirishima said getting into the role of a host.

As soon as the song had ended Izuku couldn't help but tear up as he saw that everyone was loving his music.

"What's up Izubro?" Kirishima said as he checked on him. "They love my music I'm so happy" Kirishima read not realising he left his mic on of course Izuku then writes something else down and when he's done Kirishima reads it.

"I worked so hard on these songs but what people don't realise is that some of these like my previous ones were during the ups and downs of my life both before and during my time here at U.A. and I couldn't be anymore happier than I am right now" Kirishima read.

However the moment Izuku saw the mic he panicked and wrote something down. "Oh.... oops hehe" Kirishima said with a light chuckle "sorry Izubro I thought I switched it off" he said as the audience laughed at the spiky redheaded boy.

When Kirishima came out with the next song he couldn't help but look embarrassed which caused the audience to chuckle at his predicament.

"For the last song it's a comedy song that was written out of pure boredom so this is one of the rare few that has no meaning behind it" Kirishima said as he hit play.

When the song was over some people couldn't help but laugh as the others had danced and sung along to the song.

"Well there you have it folks U.A.'s very own Izuku" Kirishima said as the entire audience then cheered at the top of their lungs.

When everyone had calmed down they all made their way out Kirishima headed to Izuku who was already cuddling with Jill and Ryuko in the love seat back at the dorms.

"So what Midoriya did think of everyone's reactions when it came to the songs?" Kirishima asked only for Jill to answer with "he loved it and he can't wait for his voice to come back so he can perform for everyone as a thank you."

Izuku nodded at this with a big smile on his face well until Ryuko had wanted to shove her tongue down his throat. Which back fired big time as Izuku then used his quirk to pick both girls up and head straight to their room.

"Well they won't be seen for a few hours" Kirishima said as he then collected his gym bag from his room and headed to the gym and train until he was starving.

Yep another singer Izuku storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz