Book Three-10

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The six of them walked together to the amusement park, while they did most of them talked with one another. Yuki saw that Kira didn't talk much so she moved herself so she was closer to the male before she pulled on his sleeve to get his attention which worked. "Yes?"

"I noticed how you looked upset that Kana left, you love her right?"

Kira nodded his head. "I do more than anything."

"Then you need to do something about it. Text her, I can tell you are the silent type so calling her won't solve much especially if she gets grumpy over what had happened. Express to her just how you feel about her. Don't let someone else dictate how you live your life-especially your love life. She seemed like a sweet woman, and you two look cute next to one another. It'd be a shame not to see the two of you together."

Kira was silent for a bit before he got his phone out and did just that. Once they got to the amusement park Ranmaru had given the ticket sales person what they needed before they were able to enter the amusement park. Instantly getting into the amusement park Yuki saw just how crowded it was. She went up to Ren and tightly held onto his sleeve. He looked down at her with a sad smile. "It's alright Yuki, we'll be away from people soon."

She nodded her head as she kept her hold on him as the males went from the entrance to miles away from it. The entire time Yuki didn't let go of Ren's sleeve. She felt too afraid to let go of his sleeve. As they got to a more secluded area that was closed off a security guard nodded his head towards them and let them pass before Ranmaru looked at the five behind him.

"Until nightfall we need to just chill here, once it becomes darker there will be an instructor that'll be working each one of the rides one by one with all of us. Once we're done we need to make sure that we let Raging and Shinning know how things went since these rides are going to basically state that the two are over their stupid feud and are working together now." Ranmaru stated

"So...we aren't going to promote them, we're just testing them out to see if they work?" Yuki asked confused

"weird right? I was confused by that too. But that's what the old man wants. So whatever." Ranmaru said with a shrug 

Yuki didn't sit down like the males did, instead she was curious about how the rides worked and flew around to get a better eye sight and view of them and was worried about two of the rides clashing together if they were to run at the same time. As it became dark out a male came from a small area by where the males were sitting. 

"Evening lady and gentlemen. Tonight you six are the first to ride these three new rides, each of them is unique and special in their own way." The male said before he placed a hand on his chest "My name is Lutsuki Joel, and I'll be operating the three rides for the lot of you. Now come with me and we'll get started."

The five males followed him as Yuki was skeptical about what was going to happen. The first of the three rides was a night version of a roller coaster that had LED lights within the rails, and the coaster itself was neon bright with light as well. Yuki sat in the back alone due to her wings as the boys sat in front of her. The ride was one of two she was worried about, as it got to the top of the hill she grasped onto the side of the coaster as she saw it make a sharp turn which made the coaster fly off of the rails. Yuki was quick to grab the five males and take them to safety on the ground as she stopped the coaster with the rest of her wings making her fall to the ground. 

Yuki whined out in pain as all five of the males were stunned that she reacted so quickly. Ranmaru went up to her on the ground and helped her up. "Hey kid are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah...I...I'll be alright. Is everyone else okay?"

Ranmaru let out a sigh "Damn it kid, you really are reckless."

"I...I just wanted to make sure everyone else was okay."

"They're fine, you should be more worried about yourself. You fell rather high kid."

"I'm fine, I've fallen from higher before." She said before she got up and dusted herself off before she used her wings to put the cart back where it was. 

As she did Joel didn't look happy. "So you are a hero huh? What the fuck was that brat?!"

Yuki narrowed her golden eyes at the male before she grabbed him by his shirt and railed him up against the side of the structure. "Why the hell are you trying to kill idols for?!" She hissed out coldly

"I was rejected by both agencies. So none of these rides are code safe so I can kill those that were approved. But you just had to go save them didn't you bitch?!"

Yuki growled out and threw him to the ground. "You pathetic worm!" She hissed out coldly before she looked at Ranmaru, Ren and Masato. "Can one of you guys call the police-these rides aren't safe for anyone right now. This male was going to kill all of us due to Raging and Shining rejecting him."

Ren was quick to do so as Yuki stepped on the males chest. "And by the way I'm not a hero. I may have graduated from UA but that doesn't mean that I pursued to be one. I'm an idol just like the others here are. Sure I'm just a trainee, but that doesn't make it right for you to do what you have."

"Get off of me you stupid bitch! I'm going to kill every single idol out there if its the last thing I do!"

"Yeah-no...not while I'm around."

Ranmaru found rope and gave it to Yuki so she could wrap his legs and arms together as they waited for police to show up. Once they did all of them had to give statements as the male was taken in. Afterwards they were allowed to go, Ranmaru patted the top of Yuki's head. "You did good today kid, let's get the hell out of here and all of us needs to tell our managers what's goin' on here."

"Yeah that wasn't right at all, what the hell did we ever do to that guy?" Van said with a shrug

They all left out together before parting ways, once the four of them got to Shining agency Shining was waiting for them. "So?"

The three males looked at Yuki who let out a sigh "A male by the name of Lutuski Joel sabotaged what you and Raging wanted to have happen. The first ride was a complete failure and I had to use my quirk to save the boys from being killed and hurt. He said he did it because he was repeatedly rejected to be an idol and that he was going to do whatever it took to get rid of all idols."

"I see. Well thank you for saving the boys you did well for that. Until we can clear things up you lot will be on stand by."

The four of them nodded their heads and the boys headed home while Yuki went to her dorm room with Jiro who smiled at her. "Hey Yuki, I'm surprised you aren't with Monoma."

"I'm not with that two face, two timing scheming slimy worthless asshole." Yuki said as she took her shoes off and went face first into her bed

Jiro knew that something happened and got up to sit beside her. Yu...what's going on? What happened?"

Yuki then sobbed out into her pillow. "He...He proposed to me after Hitoshi had proposed to him....all of it was a lie Kyoka! I'm sick and tired of the heart break! I don't want to be in love anymore!

Hearing that Monoma did, she got up and went to get Denki. By the time the two got into the room Yuki had cried herself to sleep curled up into her black wings. Denki and Jiro both frowned seeing what had happened.

"Poor little Yuki...So, what happened?" Denki asked

"Monoma's proposal to her was fake, Shinso had proposed to Monoma before Monoma went behind his back and did the same to Yuki. Yuki is broken up about it."

Denki frowned hearing what he had. "Yuki shouldn't have had to deal with that."

"I agree, but there isn't anything we can do about it."

"Yeah....I know."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя