Keithara scowled at her.

"Anyways, Mr number Seventeen tengah tunggukan kau." Keithara nodded her head towards where Muntaqim was standing. Arielle looked in that direction and her eyes instantly lit up. She waves a quick goodbye to her best friend before running towards him. Keithara shakes her head before moving to her class.


Before everyone knows it, Royal Crest Academy is celebrating its senior year. Seniors in school couldn't wait for their graduation and their prom. For the past few weeks, seniors have been planning their outfits for prom and who they want to go with. They discussed their next pathway after the academy.

"K! I'm going to miss you!" Arielle embraces her best friend.

"Merepek je lah kau. We still have a few more days."

"Yeah. But after this, I wouldn't be seeing more often." She sulked.


"Where are you going after this?"

Keithara shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not too sure myself. I haven't decided what course I want to take and which university I want to go to."

"Babe! Sekolah dah nak dekat habis and kau masih tengah fikir?"

"At this point in time, aku macam tak interested nak continue to study. Kau?"

"I got accepted into the University of Birmingham. I'll be studying media." She said.

"And ... Muntaqim will be there too." Whispered Arielle.

Keithara widened her eyes and gasped. "No way!"

Arielle nodded.

"Yeah. So, I really will be seeing him often." She confirmed.

"What is your idea or his to be in the same school?" Keithara narrowed her eyes at her best friend.

"It's too much of a coincidence." She continued.

"He asked what is my plan after high school and I told him from the top to bottom without leaving any details behind. When I asked him, he gave me the same answer. Tapi, last week, tiba-tiba je dia cakap yang dia got accepted in Birmingham."

"Wow. He either went there by his choice or because of you."

"Merepek je lah kau! Dia mana ada suka dekat aku. Ada je perempuan lagi cantik dari aku. Lagi bagus dari aku. Dia anggap aku sebagai kawan dia je lah. Nothing more."

"We'll see Ms Arielle."

The day where all of the seniors have been anticipating has finally come. It's been more than a year and Keithara still hasn't found the opportunity to tell her parents the truth. She tried so many times to come clean but she could never utter those words to them. She ended up shaking her head and came up with an excuse.

This time around, she knew she could never hide her relationship with Wakeel anymore. He will be there to attend his graduation ceremony so will any other seniors in their school. Keithara lied to him when he asked her if she had told her parents about them and she said yes. She pretended that her parents finally come to terms with their relationship.

Keithara and Arielle decided to go to the graduation ceremony together. Their parents will be meeting them there instead. Wakeel wanted to come by her house and pick her up but she kindly declined his offer. She wanted to spend the last few hours with her best friend because, after today, Arielle is flying to England to settle down in her new school.

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