There are also overlord-level super-dimensional forces that cannot avoid the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death and directly build countless formations to protect the force headquarters. Although it is certainly not of great use, it can protect some extra-dimensional realms. It is also good to avoid greater losses in the early stage.

In a blink of an eye, fifty million extra-dimensional epochs passed.

The precursors of multi-dimensional minor tribulations are becoming more and more intense. Countless creatures have already perished due to these precursors, and countless extra-dimensional realms have been shattered into pieces.

A large number of fourth realms have fallen, and only the top fourth realms have nothing to do.

With the birth of the multi-dimensional minor tribulation, many resource treasures and even treasure lands were born in many territories.

Opportunities and crises coexist. Multidimensional minor tribulations are very dangerous, but they are also opportunities for many breakthroughs in the third and even fourth realms!

Ye Tian asked many strong human beings to go out to look for opportunities. They just need to come back before the multi-dimensional catastrophe arrives.

"We are still a little short of understanding the rules of the six dimensions, but our cultivation has already reached the middle stage of the fifth realm. Those innate multi-dimensional Dao bodies have reached the limit of the fourth level and cannot break through to the fifth level for the time being. The soul will has also improved. A lot has happened, and the multi-dimensional catastrophe is getting closer and closer. It seems that it is much easier to improve the soul's will.

Ye Tianxin thought.

He felt that if his soul and will wanted to break through to the eleventh dimension, he had to put his hope in the multidimensional catastrophe of death.


The multi-dimensional catastrophe of death is indeed extremely dangerous. It is easy to fall in the fifth realm, but the opportunity is also the greatest.

For example, during the multidimensional tribulation of death, the barriers between dimensions weakened, and he could even enter the eleventh dimension.

It's just that there are more multi-dimensional lives in the sixth realm in the eleventh dimension, and it is easy to encounter multi-dimensional lives in the sixth realm, but he is not afraid of dying and copying the body. If he can find a treasure like the multi-dimensional silver fir in the eleventh dimension, how can he Isn't it possible to elevate the soul's will to the eleventh dimension?

Another ten million extra-dimensional era years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian comprehended the rules of six dimensions, his strength skyrocketed, and he integrated the sixth innate multi-dimensional Tao body - the ten-wing Tao body, and his physical fitness skyrocketed again...

Then, he practiced the seventh innate multi-dimensional Taoist body - the ten-dimensional vine body. This is an innate multi-dimensional Taoist body that can quickly recover from injuries and almost make the body immortal. It is also on the fifth level.

After that, he spent some years and countless resources to cultivate the ten-dimensional vine body to the fourth level of Dacheng limit.

Some years passed, and he created a defensive tenth-dimensional secret art of will - the Tenth-Dimensional Pagoda Technique!

Immediately afterwards, another 100 million super-dimensional era years passed.

At this time, he once again created a five-level supreme secret art - the Ten-Dimensional Void Technique. This is a speed-based five-level supreme secret skill. It is enough to avoid the pursuit of ordinary sixth-level experts and has a huge impact on the battle. help.

"It's a pity that the training time is too short. I'm afraid I won't be able to understand the rules of the seven dimensions before the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death!" Ye Tian said helplessly.


There are still 40 million extra-dimensional eras left, and the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death is coming.

At this moment, it is already a real multi-dimensional minor tribulation period, and many multi-dimensional battlefields appear.

In addition, the prelude to the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death is coming, and in some places there are even multi-dimensional catastrophe creatures of the fifth realm being born.

In the place where multi-dimensional catastrophe creatures are bred, extremely precious treasures will inevitably appear, which will have great appeal to the fifth realm.

At this time, the fifth realm is still safe as long as it provokes temptation, and those fifth realms will not come out yet.

But if you are greedy for treasures and fight against these fifth-level multi-dimensional catastrophe creatures, you will risk falling.

To take a risk or not to take a risk?

If you don't take risks, you are still very likely to fall in the later stage. If you take risks, you may get a great opportunity, so that your strength will skyrocket, and you may be able to survive the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death.

In short, anything can happen.

This day.

A copy of Ye Tian's body is ready to hunt those multi-dimensional catastrophe creatures in the fifth realm to obtain more chance treasures.

Soon, he locked onto a fifth-level thunder cicada. .


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