Chapter Eight - The Talk

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From the corner of his eyes he could see Sai fidget with her dupatta, twisting it around her fingers and then untwisting it that he worried she would create a hole in it but he left her be, he wanted to allow her the time to get her thoughts together and knowing her the way he does, he was confident that she will speak to him as soon as she can make a sense of her own feelings.

"I've realised something, but I am not sure I am ready to put it into words yet" , Virat glanced at her, startled at her sudden statement, but then gently took her hands into his and placed it on the gear stick.

"It's okay" He said calmly, "I have also realised something but I don't think you are ready to hear it yet"

"So what now?" She asked confused, glancing down at their intertwined hands.

Virat who was still staring at the roads ahead, without turning to her said, "nothing has to change Sai, we will continue taking this slow and see where it goes"

"Nothing changes?" She asked, confused and a bit disappointed.

He shook his head reaffirming, "Nothing"

"I would like a few things to change", Sai had declared a little shyly, still fixated on their hands. She hadn't noticed till now how manly his hands actually were, but now looking at it against hers, his veins slightly protruding whilst hers were smooth, she felt something in her jolt ..... desire, maybe?

"And what would that be?" Virat asked, nervous. He hoped she wasn't going to create a distance between them.

"What happened in the rehearsal hall, I would like to continue that"

Virat smirked, really pleased, "what happened in the rehearsal hall?" He teased turning to look at her, just catching the blush starting to appear on her face.

"I swear if you start teasing me, I am going to jump out this car and walk rest of the way home"

"Accha baba, I'm sorry", He placated, laughing while still keeping a tight hold of her. "I would also like that Sai, I would really like that'

"My friends are going to have a field day teasing me!" Sai pouted, but secretly she didn't care. She had really enjoyed what she had experienced of her first kiss, and although it was in front of her friends, it was still very beautiful and passionate, and even now it was sending shivers down her spine. Sai was never a type of girl to dream of boys and kisses and romance, her head was always focused on her studies and becoming a doctor that all of that seemed trivial to her, but now having experienced what it felt like she can understand why people made a big deal out of it, and she was glad that she shared this with the one person who meant the world to her, after her Aaba of course.

"If they do, let me know"

"And what are you going to do, lock them up?" She snarked, rolling her eyes at him.

"No, I would join them in their teasing", Virat replied, chuckling as he felt her tiny little hand hit his shoulder.

"I hate you!"

"No you don't" He gloated, with all the conviction in the worlds.

"No, I don't" She agreed in a whisper, looking back down at the hands that were still intertwined.

They had arrived at Sai's home not long after, and Virat had quickly climbed out the car to get the door for her. She smiled at his actions thinking he was being a gentleman but as soon as he closed the door behind her, he quickly glanced around him to ensure the coast was clear and then pushed her against the car, slamming his lips against hers.

Sai gasped, which allowed him to intrude even further, slipping his tongue into her mouth dueling for dominance, which she easily allowed him to have, pulling him closer by the lapel of his leather jacket. She felt Virat's hands roam freely on her body trailing from where it was on her waist, up to the sides of her chest, wrapping them gently around her neck bringing her close as physically possible. It wasn't until their breathing was becoming difficult for them that he let her go, and rested his forehead against hers with his eyes shut.

SaiRat "Always Been You"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin