"You feeling okay, Felix?" Chan asks gently, a tentative worry lacing into his tone and dampening his usually calming eucalyptus scent as he knelt down by his bed. "You know, you've been sleeping a lot lately. And y'know, normally I'd be relieved because that means you're gaming less into the early hours, but... if something's wrong, you'd tell me, yeah?"

"I'm okay, Chris," Felix sighs, rolling over and facing him, inhaling the calming eucalyptus as it lightened with the lessening of his worry. "I just..."

"You can tell me," Chan says softly, allowing the scent from his wrist to rub softly on Felix's cheek comfortingly, "Or you don't have to. It's up to you."

"I have a soulmate," Felix begins softly, "And I only see her when we're both sleeping."

Chan blinks before he's leaning back on his heels, "Oh," he nods, his scent lightening happily, like a honeyed-minty forest. "So it's a dreamscape soul connection, huh? How long has this been going on?"

Felix feels his face heat up, averting his eyes, scent enriched in a hot citrus rind, "Ever since I could remember, honestly... but the dreams have gotten more frequent in the last few years or so."

Chan smiles, "That's amazing, Felix. I mean, with Jeongin finding his, and now you telling me you've gotten to know yours through dreams..."

"I didn't tell you guys because it was... it seemed unfair, to talk about her when you guys either haven't or..." Or in Minho and Jisung's case, had, in each other, but were actually pretty lowkey about it. They never made it anyone else's business, and while they were affectionate and joked about it even on camera, sometimes to the point Felix wondered if they wanted the fans to know the truth of their claim to being soulmates, they were actually very tight-lipped about the details of their relationship.

"Hey, hey, you don't have any obligation telling us about it before you're ready," Chan says, and suddenly Felix's guilt about hiding it is washed away like the waves on a beach.

"What's she like?" Chan asks, "The great soulmate of our Sunshine?"

Felix laughs a bit, before he goes quiet, "Actually, about that..."

"Does this have to do with your weird behaviour when Jeongin was telling us about his soulmate?" Chan asks with a raised eyebrow and that ever-knowingness, "Because normally, you would've been gushing about the pups alone. Not even mentioning the fact our Innie found his soulmate."

"It... is..." Felix hesitates, nodding slowly, unsure.

Chan waited patiently, and Felix really appreciated it at this time. Felix wracks his brain for the best wait to say this. How could this be said? Other than just dropping the figurative bomb and hoping for the best?

"She's the same person," Felix eventually blurts out.

Chan blinks for a second, processing that information, before his eyes widen, and he's looking back at Felix in shock. "Are you serious?" His voice is low, quiet, and if it hadn't been for the situation at hand, Felix would have laughed at the hilarity of his reaction.

Felix nods solemnly, "I first realised when he said the pups names," he looks down, rubbing the back of his neck as he blushes, the heat moving up his neck to his face, "She talks about them a lot." He looks back up at Chan, who still hasn't recovered, "And then I saw the picture, and it kind of just confirmed it for me. She's the same person."

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