"And the last thing I would want is some limped dick, fish faced fuckstick sitting next to me." I smiled as the insult seemed to hit home. His smile curled down into a snarl. 

"You fucking-." 

"Besides, that seat is taken. And if you don't want to turn into a late-night snack, I would walk away." Rosie's voice dropped as the man stood straighter. His eyes flicked to the cannibal overlord and walked away as quickly as possible. Rosie slipped into the seat next to mine with an easy smile. "Velvet! I didn't know you would be here too! You play?" I shook my head as a soft smile crossed my lips. She had such a way of making the world seem less bad when she was right next to me. 

"Val does," I stated. "I'm just here because he wouldn't stop bitching about how we don't do enough with him." Rosie hummed as she waved down a bartender. 

"A martini for me! And whatever Velvet wants." She winked toward me. "On me." 

"I'll take a lemon drop," I said with a bold smile. "What are you doing here?" 

"Alastor invited me. I guess he is babysitting Angel from a distance for Charlie." She shrugged. "I like to play blackjack." I knew it. She slowly slid closer to me as her smile turned mysterious. I could fall into those dark pools as they slowly trailed up my body. As the drinks were slid in front of us, my gaze fell to her wrist. 

"You're wearing the bracelet I made you!"

"You noticed!" Rosie sang. "It's my good luck charm!" My heart pounded at the very idea. "I wear it every time I go out." 

"That's so...sweet." She sipped on her martini as I downed my shot. I needed the liquid courage. Every time I was around this woman, my stomach tied into knots. The warmth bloomed in my chest from the alcohol. A wicked gleam took over Rosie's grin as her hand slid overtop of mine. "I know you said you don't play, but how about you come with me to the blackjack table? I think it would be much more fun than sitting at the bar." 

"Teach me how to play?" I asked. 

"Of course!" And with that, I was whisked away from the bar. 


Astra's POV 

Carmilla and I stepped into the casino. The neon lights and loud noises made my soul tingle. I loved the casino. A familiar warmth settled into my bones as we walked in. I spied a few familiar faces. Alastor played poker with Husker and a few others. My eyes trailed over to Rosie and Velvet playing blackjack. Now that was a surprising duo. I then settled my gaze on Vox and Angel as they watched Valentino play. Vox was enthralled while Angel looked lost, almost as if he had given up on life. I hated watching a broken soul. It made me want to help him all the more. I glanced over Carmilla. She seemed overall enthralled with the place. 

"Do you gamble?" I asked. 

"Craps, specifically," Carmilla grinned. I matched her. 

"How about I win this poker game real fast and then we go throw dice?" She nodded as I aimed for the table that Valentino sat at. Angel's eyes lit up with hope at the sight of me. The other overlords seemed less than thrilled by my presence. 

"Mind if I join?" 

"By all means," Valentino grinned viciously. "I would love to take your money." 

"Oh please," I chuckled as I sat down. Carmilla stood behind me and played with my bun absentmindedly. 

"Carmilla! I never knew you swung for the other team," Valentino stated lightly as I pulled out some cash. "Oh, we aren't playing for money at this table," Valentino stopped me. "We are playing for souls." 

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