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In a garden adorned with the tinkling melody of bangles, the air carries the sweet fragrance of blooming roses..

The rhythmic dance of the beautiful lady echoed through the garden, her feet tapping in harmony with the soft music, creating a mesmerizing movement. Her eyes, defined by bold strokes of black kajal, unveiled depths that mirrored the secrets within her soul, while her lips embraced soft, neutral tones..

Her clothes embroidered with gems, her attire adorned with jewels, each embroidered gem telling a story of its own
and as she gracefully moved, the plated braid hung, adorned with a captivating piece of fabric known as a 'parantha,'

The classical dance, with its enchanting ankle bells embracing her feet,made  her movements more elegant

A subtle smile graced her face as the dance reached its conclusion. Seated gracefully, she delicately covered her visage with a veil....

The elegance the woman had was looked everywhere in the world by men, but unfortunately, this woman herself doesn't carve men,but loathe them with her heart...

"Noori," a small whisper caressed her ears, prompting a shiver of fear. In response, she swiftly lowered the veil...hiding her figure..

thankfully, a woman came out of the bushes her face also adored with an embroidered veil...

The heavly dress she was wearing made her move slower ,but with elegance which every woman was expected to show.....

" What are you doing here? The eve is fast approaching."....the woman whose features shared a look with noori scolded..her one hand holding the side of her Veli trying to cover her face more from the hungry wolfs of the night

" ima,look at the sun set it is a sight of behold,are we not allowed to enjoy its beauty, or is its beauty reserved also solely for the gaze of men?".....noori asked, looking straight at the sun dripping down....the orange rays which made her dress jams shine...

"Noori, we stand beneath men, not beside them. Understand, it is unsafe for you outside; if somebody saw us itsdangerous."...Noori frowned, turning around to her mother...picking up the veil from her mothers face, a frown of anger and frustration formed upon her face

The mother's countenance bore the cruel imprints of bruises—shades of purple, blue, and brown painted a painful narrative.

"Ima, if this be the meaning of 'we stand beneath man,' then the truth unfolds in the colours of agony upon your face.".....noori ranged her hands slowly caresses the marks which men liked to define as their power and were to show the art they created on innocent woman like her..

It wasn't a crime

It wasn't considered wrong

But it was something they were proud of




" What's going on here!!"..the roar came from another side startling the both women.. who immediately want on hiding
themselves with the piece of clothe that hang down,concealing their faces....

"I asked something!" Another roar, louder this time, causing the two women to flinch in response...a Bubbled boiled inside nopri's stomach, but her mothers hand over hers made her stop from risking both of there lifes

"W-we be here to gather the leftover rice crop, ensuring no t-troubles arise on the morrow w-when the king of hubb a-arrives."......the woman lied through her teeth,sefing the life of herself and her daughter......

"Thou mayst return indoors, woman, and not wander about at night.".....the male commended in a stern voice..The two women swiftly ran inside their house as soon as those words left the man's mouth.

Noori sighed,marching towards her room with a fist she took off her veil, looking in the mirror with heavy feelings

Noori's heavy sigh echoed in her room as she marched towards it, frustration evident in her clenched fist. Removing her veil, she stared at herself in the mirror, contemplating with deep emotions.

"Lo, men, men, men! Is all the world bethinking about men?" she exclaimed, adjusting her kajal with determination....

"Wherefore was I brought into this world a woman?"...she questioned herself in the mirror, the angry frown deepened...

"To change it," spoke the heart in a light whisper, a message unheard by many women but rang in Noori's ears again

May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary,

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