1: Meeting

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Y/N flew through the halls, taking care to keep her footing light and swift. She raced down the hallways, one hand on the handle of her sword, the other running along the wall. As she turned the corner, she came face to face with guards. She leapt back behind the wall. Unsheathing her sword, she turned the corner. She lunged at the first guard. Their swords came together in a cross. She swept a leg under the guard, making him lose his balance and fall. Y/N ran her sword through him. Not enough to kill him, but enough to shut him up. The next guard came running towards her, one following close behind. Y/N scampered back towards the wall. As the next guard reached her, she ran up the wall and flipped off of it, slicing the guards back as she landed. While turning to face the last guard, Y/N easily smashed her leg into his stomach, making him fall to his knees. Y/N reached for a helmet that fell from one of the guards and smashed against the fallens head, knocking him out. 

With that she continued on with her plan.

Sun streamed in through the huge stained glass window, transforming the light into different colours, streaming into the room. The towering pillars lined the throne room, leading two the four stone chairs, each with unique markings. 

Y/N took careful footsteps, stressing to not step on any bothered plank, resulting in a creak. Her black coat shielded her face and eyes, but was not a very effective disguise when sneaking into a room fulled with dancing light and red narnian flags. She reached a shaded hallway. She had studied the maps to the castle for years, she knew almost every hallway and door in its campus. 


Y/N e/c eyes swept the hall. It was empty. Still keeping a safe hand on the concrete wall, she ran down the hall, her coat flapping in the wind behind her. Suddenly, something caught her ear. A creak. 

She darted into an open room. In one swift move she silently shut the door and dissolved into the darkness. Her ears twitched, her heart beating fast. As her eyes adjusted to the dark room, a large table came into view. She padded closer to it and found it to hold lots of small wooden figures. Some boats, some small creatures. Red flags pinpointed certain areas of the map. She looked up from the map, there were a few windows lining the walls, but they were covered by long, flowy, red curtains. She saw something strange in the corner. Darkness blanketing the silhouette, Y/N walked towards it. Being sure to be soft on her feet, she got closer to the thing. She could just make it out before a black figure moved in the corner of her eye. She whipped around. 

"Who's there," she whispered. 

She reached for her sword. Just before she could pull it out the figure pounced. Two strong hands shoved Y/N against the wall. She wrestled against them, thrashing her arms and her legs. The hands pinned are hands against the wall, entrapping her. Giving up her fight, her legs went slack. She turned her face upwards, trying to snatch a glimpse at who had caught her as her eyes adjusted to the figure.  

"P-Peter?" She muttered

"Who are you" he demanded

She stayed silent, her hood still covering her face. She could feel the Kings eyes drilling into her. 

"I asked you a question" he said, his grip tightening. 

"Uggh" I groaned, this had not been part of the plan. 

Giving up his questioning, the King resorted to lifting the hood from the face of the girl. He moved her arms together to hold them with one hand. As he released one hand from her, Y/N threw her leg up and sent it colliding into Peter's stomach. He shouted in surprise, loosening his grip on Y/N's hands. In one swift more, Y/N fished her sword from its scabbard and pointed it straight at the Kings chest. In the short time, Peter had also unsheathed his sword and it aimed right at Y/N's throat.

"You don't want to do this" He warned

Y/N scoffed, "you really think you're that powerful?"

"I don't think you want to find out" Peter replied.

With that Y/N lunged. She went straight for his chest. Peters sword swung up, deflecting Y/N's. They both took a step back. Y/N grinned. Peter stared. In time with each other, they both attacked, clashing swords together. The sound of metal crashing together rung through the halls. Y/N jumped over Peter's sweeping attack and swung for his head. He ducked and launched his sword into Y/N's chest. She twisted sideways and fell to her feet, sweeping one leg under Peter, causing him to trip and fall. She thrust the sword at him, Peter rolling across the ground, deflecting with his sword. Suddenly, Peter flung Y/N's sword into the air, it eventually hitting the wall. Y/N kicked Peters hand in defence, making his sword fly out of his hand. As Y/N ran to retrieve her sword, she was Peter was doing the same thing. However he was quicker. Y/N whipped around, hands in-front of her, bracing herself for the attack, however Peter swung right at her head with a heavy book. The impact shattered her thoughts, making her vision blurry and her legs unable to take a step in front of one another. Y/N's knees failed as she crumbled to the floor. She could feel strong arms catch her from crashing her head into the floor. She felt her hood lift from her face.

"Hm, strange," Peter mumbled

Y/N could feel his arms lift her limp body from the ground. She tried using her strength the push herself away from the boys body, but all she could muster was a small push from her hands. Peter looked down at her. Blood was trickling down Y/N's face, probably from the blow to her head. Y/N felt the King rise and start walking. She entered back into the throne room, the multicoloured lights hurting her eyes. Y/N slipped into unconsciousness. 


Ok, first chapter. idk if its good at all can you guys please give me some feedback :3

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