~Chapter 1~

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Harper's POV.

"Don't tell me," I say resting my head on the table. I hear my father sigh.

"Nathan stole our biggest buyer," My dad's voice holds only one emotion.


"When I get my hands on him-" I clench my hands into fists.

"Harper get your head off my desk," I groan sitting up as I try to compose myself.

"Do you know what, I'm going to go over to their company and smash one of their overly expensive windows," I try to get up but my father immediately pulls me back down.

"You're right," I say. "I should go over and smash all of their windows and then if I get the chance spill some coffee on one of their suits," My father pinches the bridge of his nose.

"No? Maybe I should go over and blow up their whole building while also spilling coffee on-"

"Please shut up."

I furrow my brows," Why?"

"There is something that I need to talk to you about."

I shake my head," Whatever you are going to say my response is going to be no."

"You haven't even heard what I'm going to tell you."

"By the look on your face, I don't want to."

"Could you just let me explain," I sigh nodding my head slowly.

"Well," He pauses for a second as if composing himself. "Me and George Ripley have been talking."

My eyes widen," You had a civil conversation with him?" My father raises his hand to silence me.

"You know a couple of months ago when we stole their biggest client?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"Well we have been talking since then and we have decided that it would be better if," His expression looks pained and I can tell this is hard for him to say. "We have decided that it would be better if we joined both of our companies."

His words slowly sink in and all I can do is stare at him in shock. "It's only going to be temporary though."

"What does this even mean?"

"It means that you and Nathan will be working together for the time being."

"I told you I was going to say no."

He rolls his eyes," It's either you work with him or you are going to be fired."

"What, you can't fire your daughter."

He picks up a pen and begins signing paperwork," The Ripley's will be coming over tonight so we can discuss more about this arrangement, I expect you to be ready by six."

I push my chair out roughly and stand up. My father doesn't spare me another glance as I leave the room.

I would never work with Nathan.

He's such a freaking asshole.


I examined myself in the mirror. I have on my favorite dress and the reason it is my favorite dress is probably because my father hates it.

              Harper's outfit:

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