𑁍𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗯𝘆 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸~𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗕𝘂𝗿𝗻𝘀𑁍

909 14 0

TW~Injury, blood and gore.


I clutched onto Colby's hand tightly as we made our way through the dark and eerie Bell Witch Cave. Sam, my brother, lead the group through the cave. The air was thick with anticipation, and I could feel the tension building as we reached the final investigation spot. My heart was pounding in my chest, and a sense of dread washed over me.

Colby squeezed my hand reassuringly, sensing my unease. "Hey, baby girl, you okay?" he whispered, concern etched on his face.

I nodded, trying to push the feeling of unease aside. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, forcing a smile. But deep down, I knew something wasn't right.

As we set up the equipment for the final investigation, I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I could sense something watching us, lurking in the shadows of the cave. I tried to ignore the feeling, focusing on the task at hand.

But as we began the investigation, things took a turn for the worse. The music box suddenly started playing by itself, and the REM pod went off, signaling a presence in the cave. The flashlights started flashing like crazy as if something didn't want us here.

And then, it happened. A searing heat spread across my neck and back, as if I were being burned alive. I let out a bloodcurdling scream, collapsing to the ground in agony.

"Y/N! What's wrong?!" Colby shouted, rushing to my side.

I could barely speak through the pain. "I-It hurts so much!" I managed to choke out, tears streaming down my face.

"Baby, hey! Look at me, what hurts?" Colby asked as he grabbed my face gently, making me look at him. His eyes flooded with concern as he heard my cries of pain.

"Wait, her neck is red!" Sam said as he came up to me and pulled my hoodie down, revealing large burns on my neck. The others gasped in horror, realizing the severity of the situation.

"Colby, my back burns, please make the pain stop!" I cried as the searing burning sensation continued.

Colby then lifted the back of my hoodie up to reveal many burn patches and bloody skin, whilst I winced in pain, as the cold air in the cave hit the burns. The others all gasped, as Seth started packing up the equipment.

"We need to end the video now and get her to the hospital," Colby declared, his voice filled with urgency.

I gritted my teeth against the pain as they carefully helped me to my feet, supporting me as we made our way out of the cave. The burning sensation was unbearable, and I felt dizzy and weak.

Colby stayed by my side the entire time, his hand never leaving mine. "You're so brave, Y/N. We're gonna get you help, okay? Just hang on for me baby girl," he murmured, his voice filled with reassurance.

Sam stayed close, offering words of encouragement and praise. "You're doing great, Y/N. Hang in there, we're almost there," he said, his voice filled with compassion.

As we rushed to the hospital, I couldn't help but cry out in pain, the burns searing through my skin. Colby and Sam stayed close, offering comfort and support every step of the way.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, the doctors quickly began treating my burns, their faces grim with concern. I clung to Colby's hand, feeling his presence calming me as the pain continued to ravage my body.

Hours passed as the doctors worked to heal and treat my burns, and I felt exhausted and drained. But through it all, Colby never left my side, his unwavering support giving me strength.

As I lay in the hospital bed, on my side, feeling the pain slowly subside, Colby leaned in close, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. Sam sat in a chair on the other side of my bed, as he saw the gauze and bandages that scattered my neck, my back was the same, but I wore the awful hospital gown they provided me to cover it. "You're the bravest person I know, Y/N. I love you so much," Colby whispered, his voice filled with love and gratitude.

I smiled weakly, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "I love you too, Colby. Thank you for being here for me," I replied, my heart overflowing with gratitude.

"Thanks Sam, thanks for taking care of me too." I whispered as Sam stroked my hair from the chair he was sat at.

"Always Y/N, can't have my little sister die." Sam replied with a chuckle.

"Right, I'm only 8 minutes younger than you!" I said as both the boys laughed.

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