𑁍𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼~𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𑁍

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TW~Injury and dislocation.


I winced in pain as my coach helped me off the court, my shoulder throbbing with every movement. I had been so focused on spiking the volleyball that I hadn't even noticed the sharp pain shooting through my shoulder until it was too late.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Chris's concerned voice cut through the fog of pain, and I looked up to see him and the boys rushing towards me.

"My shoulder is dislocated," I managed to gasp, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. The pain was excruciating, and I knew something was seriously wrong.

Chris's face paled as he gently touched my shoulder, wincing at the way it jutted out at an unnatural angle. Nick and Matt hovered nearby, their expressions a mix of worry and fear.

"We need to get her to the hospital," my coach said firmly, and before I knew it, Chris and the boys were helping me into the car, murmuring words of comfort and reassurance as we sped towards the nearest hospital.

The drive felt like an eternity, each bump and turn sending fresh waves of pain shooting through me. I clung to Chris's hand, grateful for his steady presence beside me.

At the hospital, they quickly ushered me into a room, a team of doctors and nurses swarming around me. I squeezed Chris's hand tightly as they tried to manipulate my shoulder back into place, but the pain was too much to bear, even the painkillers didn't help.

"We're going to need to schedule an emergency surgery," the doctor said grimly, and my heart sank. Surgery meant months of recovery, and I couldn't bear the thought of being away from volleyball for that long.

"I'm scared, Chris." I stated, as I've never had surgery before, and I hate needles.

Chris brushed a tear from my cheek, his eyes full of worry. "We'll get through this together, Y/N,  I promise. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep. "

The surgery was scheduled for the next day, as the hospital was busy, and I found myself clinging to Chris's hand as they wheeled me into the operating/anaesthetic room. The fear and uncertainty threatened to overwhelm me, but Chris's steady presence by my side was a comforting anchor in the storm.

As they put the needle in my arm, Chris held my hand and kissed my forehead, before I fell asleep around 2 minutes later.

When I woke up groggy and disoriented from the anesthesia, Chris was there, a soft smile on his face as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from my face.

"You did great, princess," he said softly, his eyes full of love and pride. "I'll be here for you every step of the way."

True to his word, Chris never left my side during the long weeks of recovery that followed. Nick and Matt took turns visiting me, bringing me flowers and funny movies to cheer me up. But it was Chris who was my constant companion, holding my hand through the painful physical therapy sessions and encouraging me when frustration threatened to overwhelm me.

As the weeks turned into months, my shoulder slowly began to heal, thanks to the skilled physiotherapists and the unwavering support of Chris and the boys. But the thought of returning to the volleyball court filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. What if I wasn't as good as I used to be? What if I reinjured myself?

But Chris never wavered in his belief in me, his faith in my abilities unwavering. "You're a fighter, Y/N," he would say, his eyes full of love and pride. "You can do anything you set your mind to."

Finally, the day of my first game back arrived, and I felt a mix of nerves and excitement as I stepped onto the court, the familiar volleyball in my hands. Chris and the boys were in the stands, their cheers and words of encouragement ringing in my ears.

I took a deep breath, the familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through me as I focused on the ball, my muscles tensing as I prepared to spike it. And then, with a powerful swing of my arm, the ball soared over the net, landing squarely in the opposing team's court.

The cheers erupted around me, but it was Chris's beaming smile that I sought out in the crowd, his eyes shining with pride and love. "That's my girl," he called out, his voice filled with admiration.

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