She Is Beyond Reason.

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KRINGGG* After a while the school bell rang which meant that recess was over.

"It's time for me to go back to class."

I was about to leave the school roof but I remembered something. The udon noodles and green tea that I ordered earlier fell over when I was protecting myself from the spear that Alice threw.

I turned around and hurried to clean it up.

"Uhh, my two platinum coins ...."

Honestly this feels very unfortunate. Well I'm not a rich man so my order for two platinum coins was worth it.

"Oh well, what can I do? Rice has become porridge ...."

I felt very unlucky today. I started kneeling down and cleaning up my fallen food.

[What are you doing?]

"Uwahhh! Who is that!?"

[Woah, calm down a bit young man.]


[Yep it's me. What's up?]

"Don't show up suddenly like that! You scared me ...."

[Oops, I didn't mean to. So? What are you doing?]

"Cleaning up the mess that happened ...."

Then suddenly a beautiful white-haired woman appeared next to me. It was Lilith, she showed herself to me.

[You don't have to do that.]

"What do you mean? It's obvious that I have to clean it up."

Irritated, I continued to clean up the food I had spilled earlier. But Lilith moved her finger to the right and instantly my food and drink disappeared, leaving only a bowl and glass.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

[I'm helping you clean up.]



"Thank you! But where did you lose it?"

[I put it in your stomach.]

"Ueghhh ...."

[Hmm? What's wrong?]

"What's wrong...? What did you say? It's bacteria-contaminated food on the floor!"


"So!? Do you intend to torture me to death!?"

[Huh? Why are you so scared? All the toxins, bacteria, and all the bad things that enter you will be instantly neutralized because of my presence inside you."]


[Of course.]

"But you are now outside of my body ...."

[Outside? You're wrong, kid. I remain inside you and what you see right now is a representation of my power manifesting my form."]

"Oh? I just found out."

[I have good news for you anyway.]

"What is it?"

Then Lilith started pointing at me and looked at me with a smile on her face.

[You can't die as long as I live. No matter how many times you are killed, you will eventually come back to life."]

"Oh wow... but why are you telling me about this?"

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