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So many people made ViperWings I can't even name them all, but if you go on Google and search; ViperWing WoF, you'll get a LOT of results from it.


Scales; Vary from sandy and dull to vibrant greens and other typical snake-ish colors, also have stange paterns like a viper. Diet; Almost anything them or their snakes can catch in their wastelands and lush forests, including dragons*. Habitat; Through a portal in the *FogWing jungle on *poinyana that only opens on a *blood moon. Unusual Characteristics; have strange patterns on their scales that mimic a snake's, have a black SandWing frill from their snout to the tip of their tails. Abilities; Can controll any kind of snake, (except Dragonbite Vipers, only the royals with very strong *Snakeshift can controll those) can make a new kind of snake on a blood moon every ten years (or if you are using it in a story you can make it closer than that).

again, Why They Aren't Drunk with Power and Ruling the World Right Now; They are secretive and don't want to. It's that simple.

*= * Diet - they don't eat other dragons, the snakes eat other dragons. *FogWing- I'm making a chapter on them next. *Poinyana- another continent I'll make a chapter on that too. *Blood moon- look it up on Google. *Snakeshift- like Leafspeak but for snakes.

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