𝟎𝟏𝟕. 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧

ابدأ من البداية

     "Yes, I know, Luce." Of course he knows, he's been to Addy's classes a hundred times in the past. "Are you sure you're okay?"

     I nod frantically. "Yes, I..." I suck in a sharp breath. "I'm great! I'll see you tonight."

     I rush behind the counter, push a kiss to my dad's cheek, and then I rush out of the diner, leaving my very confused father behind. Soon, he'll understand my frantic and confusing behaviour, I'm sure, but until I tell him, I need to leave and see Addy. I need her assistance.

     I open the door to Addy's house when I see that her mother's car isn't sitting outside. I only knock on the door when Ms. Sloane is in, and thankfully she isn't, so I barge in and call out for my best friend.

     Addy comes barreling down the stairs, nearly tripping over her own feet as she finds me, panicked and sweating. "Oh, my God. Are you okay? What—"

     "I can't tell my dad," I say, a hand against my chest as I try to catch my breath. "I can't tell my dad. It's been a month, Addy and I can't tell my dad. I have to tell my dad but I can't."

     Addy's eyes widen. "You haven't told your dad?" She sounds surprised, probably because I've never lied to my dad before in my life. Hell, when I was a kid, I used to ground myself before he could.

     "No, Adelaide, I haven't told my dad."

     The thought of saying the words, "Dad, there's a guy I like" terrifies me more than anything else in the world right now. Thinking about his reaction, the way his face would shift, and the way he'd erupt... God, it's terrifying to imagine. A few months ago, I was telling him that there would be no guy until I'm old and grey, and now there's Tristan, and I really, really like him.

     And he's been so patient with me, waiting for me to be ready, and I appreciate him so, so much, he has no idea.

     If Dad finds out that I've been lying to him this past month, he'll be even disappointed. I just need to rip off the bandaid, even if it will sting, and come clean to him. For heaven's sake, he's my dad, I can tell him.

     I had called Tristan on my birthday, and I even called him yesterday. He wants me to get my own cellphone, and I honestly can't agree more with him. I need my own cellphone, but asking my dad for one would then lead to the unpleasant conversation of Tristan.

     I need to tell my dad.

     "Honey, you've just gotta rip off the bandaid," Addy says, walking back up the stairs towards her room and I follow pursuit.

     She moves towards her wardrobe where she pulls out her leotard and tights. I sit down on her chair, groaning in response while she yanks her dressing gown off. "I can't, Addy. You don't get it, he'll be furious with me. I've lied to him for the past month, and two months ago, I told him there was nobody."

     "Well, circumstances change, Luce." Addy begins to pull her tights on, and I cross my legs on her seat. "You can't help who you like."

     I nod. "I know. It's just scary."

     "Believe me, I know." Addy chuckles, and I watch her pull the horribly tight material onto her body. "Don't you remember when I told my mom about Nathan? She grounded me for a month, and I wasn't allowed to set foot in the diner. It was like prison."

     Oh, I remember. At first, I thought Ms. Sloane would move Addy out of school and never let her see anyone again. I thought she would die in her home, but thankfully, after a month, her mother calmed down and allowed the relationship to continue. Sure, she doesn't like Nathan— which isn't surprising— but she allows them to date.

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