⋆.˚ how to write a book

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hi guys it's me again, author star (: this time we're moving on to tips and tricks to write your first or not so first book !

REMINDER: this is only my advice. I don't intend to copy other writers since I'm not really reading other tips but I listen to podcasts and analyze how they write it to improve. again this is particularly for your own good bc Um I want to help 😜

now with that settled, let's get started

FIRST THINGS FIRST, you gotta plan your agenda

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FIRST THINGS FIRST, you gotta plan your agenda. if you want to successfully launch a book, then you must set a proper schedule, plot, etc.

for example, you will write a teen fiction. you want to reach teen audiences. but you haven't planned a plot, or even ideas, not even a fucking routine 😭, and you pursued it while feeling so heavy and tired. the results? your plan failed miserably, or not so miserable.

But why is it important to consider these things?

well, for me these helped me regarding my frequently hectic schedule. my plans went pretty well thanks to my note-taking. what I mean is I immediately write down my plots and ideas before it goes Poof! and you're doomed.

But then again it's not always about schedules and agendas. it's about the way you express your love for writing and your exquisite skill. it's not just about publishing your story and that, you also need to consider: "why did I make this story?" "what was my purpose on writing a story?" "what message do I want to bring to my readers?"

If you don't discover your answers to these fellow questions, you may get stuck whenever your book gets nominated as "the best book in L.A." and be prompted to an interview. you always have to ask yourself questions regarding your book. because maybe that can take you to unexpected success.

and you can easily write your books without any sweat or hassle. and why is that? because of your proper planning. even if you don't expect, you never know where your clean and prepared mindset will take you.

Then we move to #2. you have to try different ways to catch your readers attention, like in all of the beginning of the chapters.

But how?

okay let me demonstrate. if you write a character x Y/N, lets say for example you ship Lance from Voltron x Y/N at this point. you're stuck on shelves with how to start your cliché story.

here's how.

aside from "I woke up with a raging alarm placed in my nightstand, interrupting my beauty sleep. I punched my alarm clock with a heavy slam. Somehow I managed to destroy it," try something else since that's very intriguing but common.

you can use these to apply in your books.

oh!! and you guys can continue the flow. Just giving some cool ideas (:

i. "Yay, Yay, yay!! I finally get to art school!!" I squealed while slightly jumping and dancing frantically. My friend glanced at me with a proud smirk pasted on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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