Part 1 - Chapter 3: Winning over

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"Nooo!!! Why can't I go!? That f****** idiot gonna get in trouble again for sure!"

*sobs* "Chief... I'm sorry...*sobs*..."

"I will do my homework properly! please, beautiful Miss Yoo Sang-Ah, please let me go with them!"

Even though they were a whole door apart, Cinnabar could still hear the children's wail clearly, before they were all driven away to their class. She scratched her neck, couldn't help but feel pitiful for the kids:

"Chief truly is liked by children, isn't he?"

Garofano pressed one hand on her cheek, smiling gently:

"Indeed, I almost wanted to bring them along if it weren't weekdays."

Yoo Sang-Ah looked at the two Sinners and the guard in front of her, confirming their presence, and started the final briefing:

"As you know, our primary objective is to monitor and protect Chief. The destination is District 3 of NeoHive. This is a highly populated area, so you must refrain from any overt displays of our abilities to the civilians. I have arranged a place near Chief's chosen location. You all must operate from the shadows and only intervene if Chief's safety is directly compromised, unless he explicitly requests your presence. Are we clear?"


With that, the team headed to the elevator and left the underground structure. Overground, the MBCC headquarters looked no different than any normal office building on the fringe of Discity, so they just needed to go by the side entrance like any other non-Sinner-related staff. And since Cinnabar and Garofano were one of the most stable Sinners, the team's overall atmosphere was relaxed, as if they had just gone out to grab their lunchtime snack.

Due to the distance between the two cities, when they reached their destination, it was already 9 P.M. As they entered the cozy hotel and received their rooms, all were exhausted. Harry - the guard, let out a sigh after dropping their final luggage, while Garofano was checking for a dining spot. She showed them a place on the phone:

"How about this one? Their rating is high, and near us too."

"Look good, but are you sure we can afford this place? It looks expensive to me."

Due to the dangerous nature of their job, the MBCC guard's salary was quite high. Although if they want to have the quality of life of the upper class, they still have a long way to go.

"It isn't, look."

She swiped to the menu column that the restaurant had posted. To the other's surprise, its price range was very affordable to them. Thus, their dinner spot was decided.

Unknown to them, three pairs of eyes were sneakily watching them walking over from the second floor.

Lee Gilyoung poked his head up from the window sill, just enough for his eyes to look outside. Even though the windows were one-way glass, they still had to be careful of the MBCC guards' sensitivity.

"Those are the ones from MBCC right? Sooyoung-unnie said one normal guard and two Sinners were dispatched, but I can't really tell which is which from here."

Shin Yoosung pried through the curtain edge while fixing her bowtie:

"Does it matter? We need to establish a good relationship with all of them anyway."

She eyed upstairs, where Kim Dokja was sleeping. Their head chef A.K.A Mentor had decided to camp there under the label of 'protecting', so Han Sooyoung was automatically put in charge. Then, her eyes moved to the black-haired girl sitting on the couch, her twin tail flowed down past her shoulder. A laptop unfolded on the coffee table in front of her, footage from all cameras around and inside the restaurant were clearly displayed. In front of the main door, Han Sooyoung was already on standby.

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