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The Emperor looked on from afar as his wife began her labours

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The Emperor looked on from afar as his wife began her labours. The rulers were both eager to see the daughter that they had been told was going to arrive that day, it would be the first of many. Anirul didn't have to endure the pain of birth for long, her beautiful daughter was coming along smoothly. The child was stunning with her light hair, flawless skin and wasn't making a sound; she would grow up to be the epitome of regal nature. Shaddam held the small bundle of perfection in his arms and announced her name.

"Princess Irulan Corrino! The future Empress"

All that were around cheered and celebrated, including Anirul until she felt the same pain as she had moments ago.

She was giving birth again

This birth wasn't as easy due to its unexpectedness and the child was putting up a fight. When she entered the world it was no different. Her cries echoed through the hallways, while her tiny hands and feet were flying in every direction, occasionally hitting the nurses that tried to calm her down. 

Shaddam swapped one daughter for his other as he took the angry red baby into his arms, though it didn't silence her screams. His eyes darkened with curiosity and confusion.

How could his children be already so different? This one in particular

"Her name will be Adhara...and while her sister will rule the galaxies, she will be the greatest war master to be seen."

adhara corrino 

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adhara corrino 

feyd rautha harkonnen

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feyd rautha harkonnen

a/n: I know he's psychotic but he was hot while doing it soooooo oh well. The only slightly darker, mature themes in this will be the sexy scenes but there will always be a warning beforehand

Shifting Sands - Feyd Rautha Harkonnen X OCWhere stories live. Discover now